Board Resolutions

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This search includes all resolutions from 1974 - present.

Resolution Number Title Status
2014-022 Authorizing Contract No. 2013-212 with Delta Railroad Construction, Inc. for Project 23V4 - Reconstruction of Shaker Junction and Shaker Square Grade Crossings, as specified and as required, in an amount not to exceed $2,694,000.00 (RTA Development Fund, Engineering & Project Development Department budget)
2014-021 Authorizing Contract No. 2013-196 with City Architecture, Inc. for Project 24R - Architect/Engineer Services for the E. 116th Street Station Design in an amount not to exceed $488,863.00 (RTA Development Fund, Engineering & Project Development Department budget)
2014-020 Authorizing Contract No. 2013-194 with G. Stephens, Inc. for project 15.45 - on-call scheduling and cost control services in an amount not to exceed $200,000.00 for a period of 36 months (RTA Capital and/or RTA Development Funds, Engineering & Project Development Department budget)
2014-019 Resolution (I) authorizing the issuance and sale of sales tax supported bonds for the purpose of advance refunding all or a portion of the Authority's outstanding (A) General Obligation (Limited Tax) Capital Improvement and Refunding bonds, Series 2004, (B) General Obligation (Limited Tax) Capital Improvement and Refunding bonds, Series 2006, (C) General Obligation (Limited Tax) Capital Improvement bonds, Series 2008a, and (D) General Obligation (Limited Tax) Capital Improvement Refunding bonds, Series 2008b, for a total aggregate principal amount not to exceed $75,000,000, to be issued in one or more series on a tax-exempt and/or taxable basis; (II) authorizing a first amendment to the trust agreement with the Huntington National Bank; (III) authorizing a pledge of and lien on the sales tax revenues to secure the Authority's indebtedness; and (IV) regarding other matters related to such sale of Sales Tax supported bonds
2014-018 Amending Resolution No. 2012-39 to provide for an appropriation for the Law Enforcement fund in the amount of $285,000
2014-017 Authorizing Contract No. 2014-005 with Oracle Corporation for the purchase of Oracle software maintenance and support services for a period of one (1) year, at a total price not to exceed $455,694.00 (General Fund, Information Technology Department budget)
2014-016 Authorizing Contract No. 2013-204 with Kone Inc. to provide elevator, escalator, & lift maintenance & repair services, for a base period of three years in an amount not to exceed $2,898,000.00, with two, one-year options in amounts not to exceed $987,000.00 and $1,010,000.00 respectively, for a total contract amount not to exceed $4,895,000.00 (General Fund, Service Management Department budget)
2014-015 Authorizing Contract No. 2013-193 with Hill International Inc., for on-call construction inspection services for thirty-six (36) months in an amount not to exceed $750,000.00 (RTA Capital and/or RTA Development Funds, Engineering & Project Development Department budget)

2014-014 Authorizing Contract No. 2013-192 with KS Associates, Inc. for project 15.41 - Complete Rail Survey in an amount not to exceed $247,878.64 (RTA Development Fund, Engineering & Project Development Department budget)
2014-013 Authorizing Contract No. 2013-190 with Lytx, Inc. to provide a driver behavior performance monitoring system for bus and paratransit vehicles in an amount NTE $1,163,085.00 and an option for rail vehicles in an amount NTE $268,495.60, for a total contract NTE $1,431,580.60 for a period of five years (RTA Development Fund, Training & Employee Development Department budget)
2014-012 Authorizing Contract No. 2013-186 with Sportworks Northwest, Inc., for the manufacture and delivery of up to 430 three-position bike racks and associated hardware, in an amount not to exceed $249,828.00 (RTA Development Fund, Fleet Management Department budget)
2014-011 Authorizing Contract No. 2013-191 with Direct Energy Business, LLC to provide electricity supply requirements, for a period of thirty-six months in an amount not to exceed $7,400,000.00 (General Fund, Rail District Department budget) and in an amount not to exceed $2,500,000.00 (General Fund, Office of Management and Budget Department budget) for a total contract amount not to exceed $9,900,000.00
2014-010 Authorizing an interagency agreement with the Office of the Auditor of the State of Ohio for the 2013 Audit by the State of Ohio in an amount not-to-exceed $102,500.00 (General Fund, Secretary-Treasurer/Board of Trustees budget)
2014-009 Authorizing an increase to Contract No. 2013-170 with Hatch Mott Macdonald, LLC, for project 15.48A, engineering services for Windermere communications and signal system inspection and replacement recommendations in the amount of $52,560.00, for a total contract amount of $109,298.00 (RTA Development Fund, Engineering & Project Development Department budget)
2014-008 Authorizing Contract No. 2013-185B with RAM Industrial Services, LLC., for the rebuilding of rapid transit electrical motors, as specified and as required, for a period of three (3) years, in a total contract amount not to exceed $130,736.00 (General Fund, Rail District Department budget)
2014-007 Authorizing Contract No. 2013-185A with Sherwood Electromotion, Inc., for the rebuilding of rapid transit electrical motors, as specified and as required, for a period of three (3) years, in a total contract amount not to exceed $941,295.00 (General Fund, Rail District Department budget)
2014-006 Authorizing Contract No. 2013-183 with AVI Food Systems, Inc. to provide vending services Authority-wide, for a period of three years with two, one-year options - revenue generating (variable amount based upon sales)
2014-005 Authorizing Contract No. 2013-173 with Aspen Equipment Company for the purchase of three (3) mobile repair trucks, as specified, at a total contract price of $370,659.00 (RTA Capital Fund, Fleet Management Department budget)
2014-004 Authorizing Contract No. 2013-172 with Millstone Management Group under project 14.65C, Waterfront Line signage, site amenities & electrical, as specified and as required, in an amount not to exceed $276,499.00 (RTA Development Fund, Engineering & Project Development Department budget)
2014-003 Expressing sincere appreciation to the Cleveland Foundation ("Foundation") and authorizing the General Manager/Secretary Treasurer to accept a grant from the Foundation for $100,000, for the purpose of sponsoring free rides for all RTA customers on January 16, 2014
2014-002 Expressing appreciation to Vince Reddy for 12 years of distinguished service on the Citizens Advisory Board of the Greater Cleveland Regional Transit Authority, and extending sincere best wishes as he leaves the Board
2014-001 Expressing congratulations to the employees of the Greater Cleveland Regional Transit Authority who retired during the fourth quarter of 2013
2013-127 Authorizing the expenditure of funds for travel expenses for individuals that are not employees nor under contract with the Greater Cleveland Regional Transit Authority, to conduct official business for the GCRTA
2013-126 Ratifying the actions of the General Manager/Secretary-Treasurer in approving travel expenses incurred by a non-RTA employee, who represented the Authority at the fall 2013 American Public Transportation Association Annual Meeting
2013-125 Authorizing additional positions and employees designated to use purchasing cards