Legislative Update


Click here for a downloadable copy of the full 2025/2026 Legislative Update (5.1 MB)

On February 11, 2025, five (5) members of our staff attended the annual Ohio Loves Transit Day in Columbus, Ohio.  They participated in ten (10) scheduled meetings with members of the Cuyahoga County delegation of Ohio Legislature.  Additionally, they engaged in discussions with other legislators during the Ohio Loves Transit Legislative Reception.

Throughout the day the team and I reinforced the critical role public transit has on workforce mobility, infrastructure investment, and economic growth. While attending the legislative meetings, I, along with ten (10) other transit agency leaders, had the opportunity to provide testimony on the FY 26-27 Transportation Budget.  Our testimony emphasized the need for sustainable transit funding and warned that without continued investment, Ohio risks leaving millions in federal transit dollars unused.

Alongside our partners at the Ohio Public Transit Association (OPTA), we advocated:

  1. To increase public transit funding from $70 million to $85 million per state fiscal year. This includes a request for $7.5 million targeted for the Ohio Workforce Mobility Partnership Program (OWMP), which would enhance funding flexibility for all Ohio public transit agencies to help more Ohioans access jobs.
  2. To focus on infrastructure modernization, including light rail track and rail car replacement, strategic investments in Bus Rapid Transit (BRT), workforce transportation, enhanced accessibility, and expanded mobility solutions, such as Microtransit.

Governor Mike DeWine must sign the transportation budget into law by the end of March, and our advocacy efforts will continue in the coming weeks to ensure transit funding remains a priority.