Board Resolutions

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This search includes all resolutions from 1974 - present.

Resolution Number Title Status
2015-022 Authorizing Contract No. 2014-194 with Transystems Corporation of Ohio for Project 52F - Engineering Services for the Reconstruction of Track 8 and the Track 7 Auxiliary Platform at the Tower City Station in an amount not to exceed $797,937.00 (RTA Development Fund, Engineering & Project Development Department budget)
2015-021 Authorizing Contract No. 2014-191 with KS Associates, Inc. for Project 16.12 On-Call Surveying Services - Phase 4 in an amount not to exceed $200,000.00 for a period of 24 months (RTA Capital and/or RTA Development Funds, Engineering & Project Development Department budget)
2015-020 Approving the refunding of the Series 2007 lease obligations and amending Resolution No. 2015-16 which authorized the issuance, sale and delivery of sales tax supported bonds for the purpose of (i) paying a portion of the costs of capital improvements to the Authority's transportation system and (ii) refunding prior bonds in a total aggregate principal amount not to exceed $100,000,000 to be issued in one or more series on a tax-exempt and/or taxable basis; (iii) authorizing a second amendment to the trust agreement with the Huntington National Bank; (iv) authorizing a pledge of and lien on the sales tax revenues to secure the Authority's indebtedness; and (v) regarding other matters related to such sale of sales tax supported bonds
2015-019 Demonstrating support of the Board of Trustees to proceed with the design phase for the E.79th Street Red Line Rapid Transit Station as recommended in the E.34th/E.79th Stations Transit Services Alternatives Analysis
2015-018 Demonstrating support of the Board of Trustees to proceed with the design and construction phases for the E.34th-Campus Rapid Transit Station as recommended in the E.34th/E.79th Stations Transit Services Alternatives Analysis
2015-017 Authorizing the General Manager/Secretary-Treasurer to sign a petition supporting the 2016-2020 expansion of the Downtown Cleveland Improvement District and Comprehensive Services Plan and authorizing expenditures for the Authority's assessments not to exceed $191,574.81 for those years (Programming and Planning budget)
2015-016 Resolution authorizing the issuance and sale of sales tax supported bonds for the purpose of (i) paying a portion of the costs of capital improvements to the Authority's transportation system, in the approximate principal amount of $32,000,000; (ii) advance refunding all or a portion of the Authority's outstanding (a) general obligation (limited tax) capital improvement and refunding bonds, series 2004, (b) General Obligation (limited tax) Capital Improvement and Refunding bonds, Series 2006, (c) General Obligation (limited tax) Capital Improvement bonds, Series 2008a, (d) General Obligation (limited tax) Capital Improvement Refunding bonds, Series 2008b, and (e) Sales Tax Supported Capital Improvement and Refunding bonds, Series 2012 for a total aggregate principal amount not to exceed $100,000,000 of refunding and new money bonds, to be issued in one or more series on a tax-exempt and/or taxable basis; (iii) authorizing a second amendment to the trust agreement with the Huntington National Bank; (iv) authorizing a pledge of and lien on the sales tax revenues to secure the Authority's indebtedness; and (v) regarding other matters related to such sale of sales tax supported bonds
2015-015 Authorizing an interagency agreement with the City of Cleveland for the purpose of conducting a feasibility study for an Intermodal Transportation Center at the lakefront (Programming and Planning Department budget)
2015-014 Authorizing Contract No. 2015-024 with Cleveland Public Power to provide electric service for the accounts currently served by Cleveland Public Power for a five (5) year period in an amount not to exceed $4,022,000.00 (General Fund, Office of Management and Budget Department budget)
2015-013 Authorizing Contract No. 2015-015 with Arinc, Inc. to update the emergency and non-emergency plate order summaries as part of the Authority's Consolidated Train Dispatch System, (CTDS) in an amount not to exceed $110,586.00 (RTA Development Fund, Rail District Department budget)
2015-012 Authorizing Contract No. 2015-012 with Oracle Corporation for the purchase of Oracle Software Maintenance and Support Services for a period of one (1) year, at a total price not to exceed $478,484.40 (General Fund, Information Technology Department budget)
2015-011 Authorizing Contract No. 2014-184 with US Utility Contractor, Inc. for Project 15.48C - Windermere Signal System Repairs and Replacement, as specified and as required, in an amount not to exceed $369,174.00 (RTA Development Fund, Engineering & Project Development Department budget)
2015-010 Authorizing Contract No. 2014-183 with Dortronic Service, Inc. dba Action Door, for overhead door repair, as specified and as required, for a period of three (3) years in an amount not to exceed $360,000.00 (General Fund, Service Management Department budget)
2015-009 Authorizing Contract No. 2014-142 with Gillig, LLC, for the furnishing of up to 65 heavy rail vehicle operator seats, as specified, for a period of two years in a total contract amount not to exceed $134,333.55 (RTA Development Fund, Rail District Department budget)
2015-008 Authorizing Contract No. 2014-040 with Applied Graphics LTD. for the procurement of bus exterior graphics production and installation services of up to 240 CNG coaches over a five (5) year term, in an amount not to exceed $349,770.00 for the first 89 CNG coaches (RTA Development Fund, Current and Future Funding, Fleet Management Department budget)
2015-007 Appointing Donaldson Hill as a member of the Citizens Advisory Board
2015-006 Authorizing an Interagency Agreement with the Ohio Department of Transportation to fund a portion of the improvements to the Authority's Quincy/East 105th Street Station, under section 2 of the Opportunity Corridor Project (RTA Development Fund, Engineering and Project Development budget)
2015-005 Authorizing Contract No. 2014-192 with Ultramain Systems, Inc. to provide software maintenance for the Authority's CITME Maintenance and Materials Management System for a period of one year in an amount of $359,448.00 with two annual renewals in amounts not to exceed $372,025.00 and $385,130.00, respectively, for a total contract amount not to exceed $1,116,603.00 (General Fund, Information Technology Department budget)
2015-004 Authorizing Contract No. 2014-176 with US Utility Contractor, Inc. for Project 15.82 - Warrensville-Van Aken Station route indicator, as specified and as required, in an amount not to exceed $258,490.00 (RTA Development Fund, Engineering & Project Development Department budget)
2015-003 Authorizing Contract No. 2014-174 with Northeast Lubricants, LTD. for the furnishing of engine oil, as specified and as required, for a period of one (1) year in an amount not to exceed $291,872.75 (General Fund, Fleet Management Department budget)
2015-002 Authorizing Contract No. 2014-152 with CHA Consulting, Inc. for Project 24T-Architect/Engineer Services for Lee-Shaker Station in an amount not to exceed $160,000.00 (RTA Development Fund, Engineering & Project Development Department budget)
2015-001 Expressing congratulations to the employees of the Greater Cleveland Regional Transit Authority who retired during the fourth quarter of 2014
2014-125 Making appropriations for the current expenses and other expenditures for the Greater Cleveland Regional Transit Authority during the fiscal year 2015
2014-124 Authorizing the purchase of property insurance from FM Global for a period of twelve (12) months for a total contract amount not to exceed $571,522.00 (General Fund 2015, Risk Management Department budget)
2014-123 Ratifying an increase to contract No. 2014-123 with Perk Company, for Project 15.81 to provide additional construction services for bus pad replacement in an amount not to exceed $28,638.04, for a total contract amount not to exceed $111,543.04 (RTA Capital Fund, Engineering and Project Development Department budget)