Board Resolutions

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This search includes all resolutions from 1974 - present.

Resolution Number Title Status
2009-111 Authorizing additional employees and positions designated to use purchasing cards
2009-110 Authorizing the purchase of property insurance from FM Global through Aon Risk Services, Inc. of Ohio, property insurance broker for the GCRTA, for a period of 12 months for a total contract amount not to exceed $562,919.00 (General Fund 2010, Risk Management Department budget)
2009-109 Authorizing Contract No. 2009-157 with the Great Lakes Construction Company for demolition of the Rockefeller Bridge in the amount of $2,289,000.00 (RTA Development Fund, Engineering & Project Development Department budget)
Ref: American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) 2009 grant funds, Stimulus
2009-108 Authorizing Contract No. 2009-153 with RailWorks Track Services, Inc. for the four grade crossing rehabilitation on the light rail system in the amount of $1,791,884.00 (RTA Development Fund, Engineering & Project Development Department budget)
Ref: American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) 2009 grant funds, Stimulus
2009-107 Authorizing Contract No. 2009-128 with K & J Safety and Security Consulting Services, Inc. for Project 13.31 consulting services for safety and security certification in the amount of $746,231.00 (RTA Development Fund, Engineering & Project Development Department budget)
Ref: American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) 2009 grant funds, Stimulus
2009-106 Authorizing Contract No. 2009-134 with Quality Control Inspection, Inc., for on call inspection services for two years in an amount not to exceed $550,000.00 (RTA Development Fund, Engineering & Project Development Department budget)
Ref: American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) 2009 grant funds, Stimulus
2009-105 Authorizing Contract No. 2009-152 with Northeast Lubricants, Ltd. for the furnishing of engine oil, as specified and as required, for a period of one (1) year in an amount not to exceed $292,488.80 with an option for one (1) additional year in an amount not to exceed $599,602.04 (General Fund, Fleet Management Department budget)
2009-104 Authorizing the General Manager to enter into a letter contract with KBC Bank N.V. to consider termination of lease financing of rail equipment Contract 2002-KBC1 at a cost not to exceed one hundred and forty thousand dollars ($140,000.00) and authorizing the General Manager to execute and deliver all documents required for contract termination
Ref: sale and leaseback, rail equipment lease financing - 2002
2009-103 Authorizing the issuance of taxable bond anticipation notes, Series 2009A for the purpose of reimbursing the Authority for a portion of the costs of capital improvements including the Authority's heavy rail vehicle overhaul, light rail vehicle overhaul, 55th Street Station rehabilitation, Westlake Park-n-Ride, Stephanie Tubbs Jones Transit Center, Waterfront Line track, Woodhill Station rehabilitation and Red Line track rehabilitation in a principal amount not to exceed $8,000,000 and matters related to such Series 2009A notes
Capital grant, finance
2009-102 Making temporary appropriations for the current expenses and other expenditures of the Greater Cleveland Regional Transit Authority for the period of January1, 2010 through March 31, 2010
Ref Budget, Finance
2009-101 Authorizing the General Manager/Secretary Treasurer to sign a petition supporting approval of the 2011-2015 services plan for the Downtown Cleveland Special Improvement District and authorizing expenditures for Authority assessments not to exceed $170,380.37 for those years
Ref: Downtown Cleveland Alliance; SID
2009-100 Authorizing Contract No. 2009-132B with Electronic Data Magnetics for the purchase of magnetic fare media cards (encoded cards) as required, for a period of three years, with two one year options, in an amount not to exceed $401,580.00 for the base term and in an amount not to exceed $133,860.00 for each option year for a total contract amount not to exceed $669,300.00 (General Fund, Revenue Department budget)
Ref: GFI electronic fareboxes
2009-099 Authorizing Contract No. 2009-132A with Magnadata USA, Inc. for the purchase of magnetic fare media cards (TRiM issued) as required, for a period of three years, with two one year options, in an amount not to exceed $163,125.00 for the base term and in an amount not to exceed $54,375.00 for each option year for a total contract amount not to exceed $271,875.00 (General Fund, Revenue Department budget)
Ref: GFI Genfare TRiM card readers
2009-098 Authorizing Contract No. 2009-129 with URS Corporation - Ohio for Project 12.00A, A/E services for the rehabilitation of the GCRTA Airport rail transit tunnel, track, track bed and drainage in the amount of $399,998 (RTA Development Fund, Engineering and Project Development Department budget)
Ref: American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) 2009 grant funds, Stimulus
2009-097 Authorizing Contract No. 2009-127 with Heritage Petroleum, LLC for the furnishing of ultra low sulfur diesel fuel at a projected quantity of four million eight hundred fifty thousand gallons per year, as specified for a period of two (2) years with an option of one (1) additional year at a cost of $0.011 dollars per gallon below the Oil Price Information Services (OPIS) Index (General Fund, Fleet Management Department budget)
2009-096 Authorizing Contract No. 2009-124 with Northeast Lubricants, Ltd. For the furnishing of antifreeze, as specified and as required, for a period of two (2) years in an amount not to exceed $183,045.50 with an option for one (1) additional year at an amount not to exceed $91,522.75 for a total contract amount not to exceed $274,568.25 (General Fund, Fleet Management Department budget)
2009-095 Authorizing Contract No. 2009-123 with US Utility Contractor Inc. for the construction of Main Avenue grade crossing warning system improvements in the amount of $253,941.00 (RTA Development Fund, Engineering & Project Development budget)
Ref: Safety improvement: train activated roadway gates, in-roadway warning lights and roadway striping
2009-094 Authorizing Contract No. 2009-120 with Richard L. Bowen and Associates, Inc. for Project 51 A/E services for the Clifton Boulevard Transit Enhancement Program in the amount of $765,945.86 (RTA Development Fund, Engineering and Project Development Department budget)
Ref: American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) 2009 grant funds, Stimulus
2009-093 Authorizing Contract No. 2009-117 with Graham Enterprises dba Aries Distribution for the furnishing of chemical ice melt, as specified and as required, for a period of one (1) year in an amount not to exceed $120,400.00 with an option for one (1) additional year in an amount not to exceed $122,400.00 for a total contract amount not to exceed $242,800.00 (General Fund, Fleet Management Department budget)
2009-092 Amending resolution No. 2009-004 and 2009-041 to provide for an increase in the appropriation in the Insurance Fund in the amount of $490,000
2009-091 Authorizing the Greater Cleveland Regional Transit Authority to sell ECTP Parcel Number 168, bearing Cuyahoga County Auditor's Permanent Parcel Numbers 118-11-004, 118-11-005, 118-11-006B, 118-11-007, 118-11-008, 118-11-009, 118-11-010, and 118-11-011 and located at 5508-5810 Euclid Avenue in Cleveland, Ohio ("Property") to the City of Cleveland for nine hundred thousand dollars ($900,000) and declaring it excess
Ref: Excess ECTP property, 5508-5810 Euclid Avenue
2009-090 Authorizing Contract No. 2009-138 for the purchase of rock salt from the City of Cleveland for the winter season of 2009-2010 in an amount not to exceed $125,000.00 (General Fund, Service Management Department budget)
2009-089 Authorizing Contract No. 2009-118 with W. W. Williams Midwest, Inc., for the furnishing of 114 Detroit Diesel Series 50 EGR in-cradle overhaul kits, as specified and as required, for a period of two years in an amount not to exceed $684,000.00 (General Fund, Fleet Management Department budget)
2009-088 Authorizing Contract No. 2009-107 with ProTran1 LLC for the furnishing and installation of an Audible Pedestrian Alert System (APAS) for 400 revenue vehicles at a total cost of $598,420.00 with an option to furnish APAS for up to 80 additional vehicles within six months after contract execution at a cost not to exceed $119,684.00 for a total contract award not to exceed $718,104.00 (RTA Development Fund, Fleet Management Department budget)
Ref: American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) 2009 grant funds, Stimulus
2009-087 Authorizing Contract No. 2009-100 with Regency Construction Services, Inc. for on call schedule and cost containment services for two years in an amount not to exceed $150,000.00 (RTA Development Fund, Engineering & Project Development Department budget)
Ref: Stephanie Tubbs Jones Transit Center and Puritas Rail Station
Van Auken Akins Architects, LLC
Ref: American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) 2009