Board Resolutions

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This search includes all resolutions from 1974 - present.

Resolution Number Title Status
2009-086 Expressing congratulations to the employees of the Greater Cleveland Regional Transit Authority who retired during the third quarter of 2009
Ref: Congratulatory, Retirement, Retirees
2009-085 Expressing support for the State of Ohio's American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) federal funding request for Ohio's 3C "Quick Start" Passenger Rail Plan
REf: Chicago Hub; Vision for High Speed Rail in America; ORDC; ODOT
2009-084 Authorizing ratification to Contract No. 2009-122 with B & B Wrecking, Inc. for Project 13.46 - 1965 East 66th Street Building emergency demolition in an amount not to exceed $214,000.00 (RTA Development Fund, Engineering & Project Development Department budget)
2009-083 Authorizing a contract with the Illuminating Company (TIC), a private utility, in a total sum not to exceed $196,148.24 for costs associated with the adjustment and/or relocation of the overhead and underground lines as necessary for the installation of the proposed roadway entrances and exits from the Stephanie Tubbs Jones East Side Transit Center (ESTC) Contract 46A (Engineering & Project Development Department budget)
2009-082 Authorizing Contract No. 2009-111 with Delta Railroad Construction, Inc. for Project 32U - Waterfront Line plinth replacement in an amount not to exceed $350,300.00 (RTA Development Fund, Engineering & Project Development Department budget)
2009-081 Authorizing the Greater Cleveland Regional Transit Authority to enter into a purchase agreement in the amount of $4,900.00 to acquire Cuyahoga County Auditor's Permanent Parcel Numbers 126-25-002 through 126-25-005 which are located at Woodhill Road and Holton Avenue in Cleveland, Ohio for the reconstruction of the Buckeye-Woodhill Rapid Transit Station (RTA Development Fund - Programming and Planning Department budget)
Ref: City of Cleveland - Land Reutilization Program
2009-080 Authorizing the General Manager/Secretary-Treasurer to enter into contracts for auction services and the sale of scrap and obsolete property for a period of five (5) years
2009-079 Authorizing Contract No. 2009-104 with KBJ, Inc. for the entire work under Project 12.80, W. 65th Street Rapid Station plaza site improvements in an amount not to exceed $77,263.00 (RTA Development Fund, Programming and Planning Department budget)
2009-078 Authorizing Contract No. 2009-102E with R.W. Riggle Enterprises, Inc. for fire protection under Project 11E - Paratransit District Garage Rehabilitation - Rebid in the amount of $33,700.00 (RTA Development Fund, Engineering & Project Development Department budget)
2009-077 Authorizing Contract No. 2009-102D with ABC Piping Company for HVAC trades under Project 11E - Paratransit District Garage Rehabilitation in the amount of $167,270.00 (RTA Development Fund, Engineering & Project Development Department budget)
2009-076 Authorizing Contract No. 2009-102C with ABC Piping Company for plumbing trades under Project 11E - Paratransit District Garage Rehabilitation in the amount of $124,628.00 (RTA Development Fund, Engineering & Project Development Department budget)
2009-075 Authorizing Contract No. 2009-102B with Gateway Electric Company for electrical trades under Project 11E - Paratransit District Garage Rehabilitation in the amount of $344,800.00 (RTA Development Fund, Engineering & Project Development Department budget)
2009-074 Authorizing Contract No. 2009-102A with Town Center Construction, LLC for general trades under Project 11E - Paratransit District Garage Rehabilitation - rebid in the amount of $1,018,000.00 (RTA Development Fund, Engineering & Project Development Department budget)
2009-073 Authorizing the Greater Cleveland Regional Transit Authority to enter into a purchase agreement in the amount of $12,700.00 to acquire a portion of Cuyahoga County Auditor's Permanent Parcel Numbers 122-23-006, 122-23-007, and 122-23-010 which are located at 2480 Broadway Avenue in Cleveland, Ohio (collectively, the "Property") for the construction of a cul-de-sac at the terminus of Broadway Avenue as required by the City of Cleveland for the Rockefeller Bridge demolition project and to transfer the property to the City of Cleveland at the completion of the project (RTA Development Fund, Programming and Planning Department budget)
2009-072 Authorizing an increase to Contract No. 2001-118 with Wilbur Smith & Associates for the final design of the Euclid Corridor Transportation Project ("ECTP") in an amount not to exceed $604,107.00 for a total contract amount of $13,897,394.11 and reinstating the General Manager's change order authority to its entirety (RTA Development Fund, Euclid Corridor Transportation Department budget)k
See Reso 2002-024
2009-071 Authorizing an amendment to the interagency agreement with the City of Shaker Heights for participation in the Shaker Heights traffic signal upgrade project in the amount of $85,924.28, for a total amount not to exceed $1,205,924.28 (RTA Development Fund, Safety Department budget)
2009-070 Authorizing the filing of grant applications with the State of Ohio for State Fiscal Year 2010 financial assistance under all State of Ohio programs
2009-069 Authorizing Contract No. 2009-103 with Gardiner Service Company to provide a maintenance service agreement for the HVAC systems at the Root-McBride Building and at Central Bus Maintenance Facility for a period of five years in an amount not to exceed $34,260.00 and $4,992.00 per year respectively for a total contract amount not to exceed $196,260.00 (General Fund, Service Management and Fleet Management Department budgets)
2009-068 Authorizing Contract No. 2009-074 with Petroleum Traders Corporation for the furnishing of unleaded gasoline, as specified and as required, for a period of two years in an approximate amount of $680,000.00 with a one year option in an amount of $340,000.00 for a total contract amount of approximately $1,020,000.00 (General Fund, Fleet Management Department budget)

2009-067 Authorizing Contract No. 2009-050 with Chemtron Corporation for hazardous/non-hazardous waste services for a period of five (5) years in an amount not to exceed $125,000 per year for a total contract amount not to exceed $625,000 (General Funds, Safety Department budget)
2009-066 Authorizing Contract No. 2009-020 with Bridgestone America Tire Operations, LLC for furnishing tire and wheel maintenance services and for the leasing of radial tires, as specified and as required, for a period of five (5) years at a total contract amount not to exceed $6,676,000 (General Fund, Fleet Management Department budget)
2009-065 Authorizing the purchase of excess casualty insurance from various insurance underwriters through AON Risk Services Inc., casualty insurance broker for GCRTA, for a period of 12 months for a total amount not to exceed $1,319,000.00 (GCRTA Insurance Fund ($1,069,000.00) and General Fund ($250,000.00) Risk Management Department budgets)
2009-064 Authorizing Contract No. 2009-087 with Infinity Construction Co. Inc. for the Entire Works under project 46A, Stephanie Tubbs Jones Transit Center, in the amount of $6,400,000.00 (RTA Development Fund, Engineering & Project Development Department budget)
Ref: American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) 2009 grant funds, Stimulus
2009-063 Authorizing a contract with Michael Murphy in an amount not to exceed one hundred thirty-eight thousand dollars ($138,000.00) for public artwork associated with the Stephanie Tubbs Jones Transit Center Project (RTA Development Fund, Programming and Planning Department budget)
Ref: American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) 2009 grant funds, Stimulus
2009-062 Authorizing an interagency agreement with the City of Cleveland for the establishment of an escrow account used to fund repair/replacement of certain catch basins for a twenty (20) year period
Ref: Euclid Corrior Transportation Project (ECTP)