This search includes all resolutions from 1974 - present.
Resolution Number | Title | Status |
2003-110 | Authorizing Contract No. 2002-126 with K & J Safety and Security Certification to provide safety and security certification services not to exceed $574,519.00 (RTA Development Fund, Euclid Corridor Transportation Project Department budget). CATEGORIES: Safety Certification Security Certification ECTP Euclid Corridor Transportation Project Consultant |
2003-108 | A resolution adopting the Tax Budget of the GCRTA for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 2004, and submitting the same to the County Auditor. CATEGORIES: Tax Budget Tax Budget FY 2004 |
2003-107 | A resolution establishing 2003 Affirmative Action goals for Equal Employment Opportunity and for the GCRTA. CATEGORIES: Affirmative Action Goals Goals Equal Employment Opportunity |
2003-106 | Expressing appreciation and gratitude to the RTA Focus Group from Leadership Cleveland Class of 2003. CATEGORIES: Appreciation Leadership Cleveland |
2003-105 | Ratifying an Intergovernmental Agreement contract for the lease of eight Orion II coaches from the Butler County Regional Transit Authority for a period not to exceed one year and for an amount not to exceed $65,000.00 (General Fund - Fleet Management Department budget). CATEGORIES: Butler County RTA Buses Intergovernmental Agreement Lease Agreement Circulator Buses |
2003-104 | Authorizing the amendment of Resolution No. 2002-181 "Authorizing a lease agreement with National City Bank Corporation for a portion of the Puritas Rapid Transit Station used for their parking located at West 150th Street for a term of five years to November 30, 2007". CATEGORIES: National City Bank Parking Rapid Transit Station Puritas Station Lease Lease Agreement Real Estate |
2003-103 | Authorizing the exercise of an option for Contract No. 2000-030B with Resource International, Inc. to provide project support services, as required for a period of one year at an amount not to exceed $114,418.30 (RTA Development Fund - Euclid Corridor Transportation Project Department budget). CATEGORIES: Resource International, Inc. Project Support Services Euclid Corridor Transportation Project ECTP |
2003-102 | Authorizing Contract No. 2003-058 with the City of Shaker Heights for landscape maintenance and parking lot snow removal for a period of three years, at a price not to exceed $509,511.00 (General Fund, Rail District Department budget). CATEGORIES: Shaker Heights Landscaping Snow removal Landscape maintenance Rail |
2003-101 | Authorizing Contract No. 2003-055 with ORX for the furnishing of 300 steel wheels for the Tokyu HRV fleet, as specified, at a price of $146,700.00 (General Fund, Fleet Management Department budget). CATEGORIES: ORX Rail Cars Steel Wheels Tokyu HRV Rail |
2003-100 | Authorizing Contract No. 2003-050 with Diesel Radiator Co., for the furnishing of radiator cores, as specified and as required, for a period of one (1) year in an amount not to exceed $39,149.20 (General Fund, Fleet Management Department budget). CATEGORIES: Diesel Radiator Company Bus Bus Parts Radiator Cores Parts |
2003-099 | Authorizing Contract No. 2003-048 with DeMilta Iron & Metal Company for the sale of one hundred forty six used transit and non-revenue vehicles and twenty-nine parts of excess inventory in "as is" condition for a total sale price of sixth three thousant fifty six and 50/100 ($63,056.50). CATEGORIES: DeMilta Iron & Metal Company Sales Contract Scrap Used Transit Vehicles Buses Non-Revenue Vehicles Parts Scrap parts |
2003-098 | Authorizing contract No. 2003-053 with Andrews Records Management to provide records storage and services, as specified, for a period of five years, in an amount not to exceed $184,000.00 - (RTA General Fund, Support Services Department budget). CATEGORIES: Andrews Records Management Records Management Storage Archives |
2003-097 | Authorizing Contract No. 2003-039 with Anchor Cleaning Contractors, Inc. for the furnishing of window, building and canopy cleaning for a period of two years in an amount not to exceed $500,000.00 (General Fund - Service Management Department budget). WITHDRAWN | WITHDRAWN
2003-096 | Authorizing Contract No. 2003-024C with Cleveland Clinic Health System, Inc./Center for Corporate Health to provide specimen collection services, as required, for a period of three years with two additional one-year options at a base amount not to exceed $46,500.00 (RTA General Fund, Office of Business Development Department budget). CATEGORIES: Cleveland Clinic Health System, Inc./Center for Corporate Health Medical Testing Specimen Collection |
2003-095 | Authorizing Contract No. 2003-024B with Advantage Health Care, Inc. to provide specimen collection services, as required, for a period of three years with two additional one-year options at a base amount not to exceed $46,500.00 (RTA General Fund, Office of Business Development Department budget.) CATEGORIES: Advantage Health Care, Inc .Medical Testing Speciment Collection Medical |
2003-094 | Authorizing Contract No. 2003-024A with Occucenters, Inc., DBE East Side Occupational Health Center to provide medical services and speciment collection services, as required, for a period of three years with two additional one-year options at a base amount not to exceed $277,155.00 (RTA General Fund, Office of Business Development Department budget). CATEGORIES: Occucenters, Inc. East Side Occupational Health Center Medical Testing Medical services and specimen collection Specimen collection |
2003-093 | Authorizing Contract No. 2003-016 with Herbst Electric Company to provide the overhaul/upgrading of the Authority;s Rail Shop transfer table, as specified, in an amount not to exceed $109,279.00 ( RTA Development Fund, Rail District Department budget). CATEGORIES:Herbst Electric Company Rail Shop Transfer Table Transfer Table Rail Rail Shop |
2003-092 | Authorizing Contract No. 2003-011 with R.L. Bowen & Associates, Inc. for Projecdt 17D - Architectural/Engineering services to design the Brooklyn Garage Consolidation in the amount of $330,271.00 (RTA Development Fund, Project Development & Engineering Department budget). CATEGORIES: R.L. Bowen & Associates, Inc. Bowen Project 17D Brooklyn Garage Consolidation A/E Services |
2003-091 | Authorizing the payment of $26,896.00 to the American Public Transportation Association for membership dues of the GCRTA in said Association for the period ending June 30, 2004 ($26,896.00- General Fund, Executive Department budget). CATEGORIES: APTA Dues Memberships American Public Transportation Association |
2003-090 | Amending Resolution No. 2003-055 approved by the Board of Trustees April 15, 2003, to authorize an increase in Change Order No. 2 for design services under Contract 2001-118 with Wilbur Smith Associates, Inc. of Ohio for final design of the Euclid Corridor Transportation Project to an amount not to exceed $684,248.00 (RTA Development Fund, Euclid Corridor Transportation Project budget). CATEGORIES: Wilbur Smith Associates, Inc. ECTP Change Order Euclid Corridor Transportation Project Change Order No. 2 Amendment to Resolution 2003-055 ECTP Design Services Design Services |
2003-089 | Authorizing the General Manager/Secretary-Treasurer to enter into a temporary easement agreement with the Cuyahoga County Board of Commissioners to reconstruct the Triskett Road (CR-228) bridge No. 195 that spans the Authority's track at the Triskett Rail Station for the purpose of reconstructing the highway structure at the expense of the Cuyahoga County for a term beginning July 1, 2003 and ending June 30, 2005 and to execute the easement agreement. CATEGORIES: Eastment Agreement Cuyahoga County Board of Commissioners County Commissioners Easement agreement Interagency agreement Bridges Bridge Reconstruction Triskett Rail Station |
2003-088 | Authorizing the General Manager to enter into an interagency agreement with the City of Lakewood for Lakewood Bus Loop improvements located at the entrance of Lakewood Park in an amount not to exceed $243,000 - RTA Development Fund (Project Development and Engineering Department budget). CATEGORIES: Interagency Agreement Lakewood City of Lakewood Bus Loops Lakewood Bus Loop Lakewood Park |
2003-087 | Authorizing contract No. 2003-057 with Velotta Paving Company, Inc. for Project 9.97 - Drexmore/South Woodland repaving in the amount of $85,200.00 (RTA Capital Fund, Project Development & Engineering Department budget). Velotta Paving Project 9.97 Drexmore South Woodland Repaving Paving |
2003-086 | Authorizing Contract No. 2003-047 with Dean Contracting, Inc. for Project 271 - rehabilitation of the transit track bridge over Ambler Street in the amount of $659,965.00 (RTA Development Fund, Project Develoopment & Engineering Department budget). CATEGORIES: Dean Contracting, Inc. Project 271 Transit Track Bridge Ambler Street Bridges Bridge Rehabilitation |
2003-085 | Authorizing Contract No. 203-028D with Doan Pyramid Electric for the electrical trades under project 17C-Triskett Garage reconstruction, in the amount of $2,875,000.00 (RTA Development Fund, Project Development and Engineering Department budget). CATEGORIES: Doan Pyramid Electric Electrical Trades Project 17C Triskett Garage Reconstruction Triskett Garage Bus Garage |