Board Resolutions

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This search includes all resolutions from 1974 - present.

Resolution Number Title Status
2017-123 Authorizing Contract No. 2017-103 with Contellation NewEnergy, Inc. to provide electricity supply requirements, for a period of two years in a projected amount not to exceed $3,700,000.00 (General Fund, Rail District Department budget) and in a projected amount not to exceed $1,400,000.00 (General Fund, Office of Management and Budget Department budget) for a total projected contract amount not to exceed $5,100,000.00
2017-122 Adopting a GCRTA Board Governing Mission and a new Board Standing Committee Structure
2017-121 Repealing Chapter 460 of the Codified Rules and Regulations of the Greater Cleveland Regional Transit Authority and enacting a new Financial Policies Chapter 460
2017-120 Repealing Chapter 420 of the Codified Rules and Regulations of the Greater Cleveland Regional Transit Authority and enacting a new Debt Policies Chapter 420
2017-119 Amending Resolution No. 2017-70, to increase the Capital Budget appropriations for the RTA Development Fund of the Greater Cleveland Regional Transit Authority during the 2018 fiscal year
2017-118 Amending Resolution No. 2016-65, to increase the Capital Budget appropriations for the RTA Development Fund of the Greater Cleveland Regional Transit Authority during the 2017 fiscal year
2017-117 Making appropriations for the current expenses and other expenditures for the Greater Cleveland Regional Transit Authority during the fiscal year 2018
2017-116 To amend Resolution No. 2017-016 to provide for an increase in the transfer from the General Fund to the Reserve Fund in the amount of $8,352,007
2017-115 Authorizing the purchase of property insurance from FM Global for a period of twelve (12) months for a total contract amount not to exceed $556,853.00 (General Fund, Risk Management Department budget)
2017-114 Authorizing an agreement with the City of Shaker Heights for landscape maintenance and parking lot snow removal for a period of three years in an amount not to exceed $835,544.00 (General Fund, Rail District Department budget)
2017-113 Authorizing Contract No. 2017-160 with Arinc, Inc. to provide maintenance and support of the Consolidated Train Dispatch System for a period of one year at a total price not to exceed $114,065.00 (General Fund 2018, Rail District Department budget)
2017-112 Authorizing Contract No. 2017-137 with the Railroad Associates Corp. for Project 52k - Removal of West Park Diamonds, at a total amount of $456,092.00 (RTA Development Fund, Engineering & Project Development Department budget)
2017-111 Authorizing Contract No. 2017-128 with North Bay Construction, Inc. for Project 17.38 - CBMF Make-Up Air Unit Replacement in an amount not to exceed $169,780.00 (RTA Capital Fund, Fleet Management Department budget)
2017-110 Authorizing Contract No. 2017-121 with RGT Services, LLC dba the Fowler Company for Project 23Z - West 65th Street Substation Rehabilitation, in an amount not to exceed $2,467,705.00 (RTA Development Fund, Engineering & Project Development Department budget)
2017-109 Authorizing Contract No. 2017-108 with Southern Coach Parts Company, Inc. for the furnishing of brake caliper assemblies, as specified and as required, for a period of one year in an amount not to exceed $192,535.20 (General Fund, Fleet Management Department budget)
2017-108 Authorizing Contract No. 2017-107 with Novacare Rehabilitation of Ohio, Inc., a division of Select Medical Corporation to provide functional testing services, as required, for a period of three years with two, one-year options in an amount not to exceed $375,000.00 for the base three years and in an amount not to exceed $125,000.00 for each option year for a total contract amount not to exceed $625,000.00 (General Fund, Marketing & Communications department budget)
2017-107 Authorizing Contract No. 2017-081 with Pepsi Beverages Company to provide beverage vending services at passenger facilities for a period of three years with two, one-year options, revenue generating (Amount variable - based on sales)
2017-106 Expressing congratulations to Frank J. Polivka upon his retirement from the Greater Cleveland Regional Transit Authority, expressing appreciation for 15 years of dedicated and loyal service, and extending best wishes for his future endeavors
2017-105 Expressing congratulations to Loretta Kirk upon her retirement from the Greater Cleveland Regional Transit Authority, expressing appreciation for 38 years of dedicated and loyal service, and extending best wishes for her future endeavors
2017-104 Expressing the great sorrow of the Board of Trustees and the entire Greater Cleveland Regional Transit Authority at the passing of former Board of Trustees member, Jesse O. Anderson, and extending condolences to his family
2017-103 Amending Resolution No. 2017-041 to provide for an additional appropriation for the Law Enforcement Fund in the amount of $66,000.00
2017-102 Repealing Chapter 410 of the Codified Rules and Regulations of the Greater Cleveland Regional Transit Authority and enacting a new Procurement Chapter 410
2017-101 Repealing Chapter 1098 of the Codified Rules and Regulations of the Greater Cleveland Regional Transit Authority and enacting a new Environmental Policy Statement and Commitments
2017-100 Authorizing the Greater Cleveland Regional Transit Authority to enter into a purchase and sale agreement with Little Italy Development, LLC, an Ohio Limited Liability Company, for the purchase of land in fee simple and two permanent easements located at the Little Italy-University Circle Rapid Transit Station and power substation, Cleveland, Ohio for $139,500.00
2017-099 Authorizing the Greater Cleveland Regional Transit Authority to enter into a purchase and sale agreement with MCPC Holdings Inc., an Ohio Corporation, for the sale of the Brooklyn Garage located at 4371 Pearl Road, Cleveland, Ohio 44109, for $780,000.00