This search includes all resolutions from 1974 - present.
Resolution Number | Title | Status |
2008-056 | Authorizing Contract No. 2008-108 with AT&T Datacomm for the furnishing of maintenance support and software upgrades for Cisco Equipment, as specified, through the State of Ohio Cooperative Purchasing Program in the amount of $47,030.93 (General Fund, Information Systems Department budget) | ADOPTED
2008-055 | Authorizing Contract No. 2008-95 with Oracle Corporation for the purchase of Oracle programs licensing and support services for a period of one year through the State of Ohio Department of Administrative Services, Cooperative Purchasing Program at a total price of $143,966.12 (RTA Development Fund, Revenue Department budget) | ADOPTED
2008-054 | Authorizing Contract No. 2008-090 with Muncie Reclamation & Supply dba Muncie Transit Supply for the furnishing of PSV valves used on Detroit Diesel Series 50 engines in an amount not to exceed $100,572.00 (General Fund, Fleet Management Department budget) | ADOPTED
2008-053 | Authorizing Contract No. 2008-072 with Burke-Parsons-Bowlby Corp. for 3,000 railroad crossties, as specified, at a total price of $100,470.00 (RTA Development Fund, Rail District Department budget) | ADOPTED
2008-052 | Authorizing Contract No. 2008-062 with American Railroad Tie and Stone Company, Inc. for the sale of 786 used railroad ties in "as is" condition for a total sale price of $786.00 | ADOPTED
2008-051 | Authorizing Contract No. 2008-26 with ARINC, Inc. to provide upgrades of host services and workstations on the consolidated train dispatch system for a total price of $443,329.00 (RTA Development Fund, Engineering and Project Development Department budget) | ADOPTED
2008-050 | Authorizing Contract No. 2008-22 with Linwood Capital, LLC to provide diesel fuel risk management services, as required, for a period of three years with two additional one year options in an anticipated amount not to exceed $90,000.00 for the base term and $30,000.00 for each option year for a total anticipated contract amount not to exceed $150,000.00 (General Fund, Office of Management & Budget Department budget) | ADOPTED
2008-049 | Authorizing Contract No. 2007-134 with Ana Laboratories, Inc. for the furnishing of oil/fluids analysis services, as specified and as required, for a period of two (2) years in an amount not to exceed $114,995.00 (General Fund, Fleet Management Department budget) | ADOPTED
2008-048 | Expressing congratulations to the employees of the Greater Cleveland Regional Transit Authority who retired during the first quarter of 2008 Ref: Congratulatory, Retirement, Retirees |
2008-047 | Authorizing and increase to contract No. 2006-010 with Perk Construction Company for Project 38-CO2 for the Euclid Corridor Transportation Project - East Roadway to Innerbelt, Public Square and East 17th Street Extension in an amount not to exceed $371,052.78 for a total contract amount not to exceed $28,013,013.26 (RTA Development Fund, Euclid Corridor Transportation Project Department budget) | ADOPTED
2008-046 | Ratification of a contract with The Cleveland Clinic Foundation and University Hospitals of Cleveland to provide for naming and sponsorship rights for a 25-year period for the Euclid Corridor Transportation Project, in an amount of $6,250,000.00 (revenue-producing agreement) | ADOPTED
2008-045 | Authorizing the General Manager/Secretary-Treasurer to enter into a lease agreement with National City Bank to use a portion of the Puritas Rapid Transit Station property for a term of five (5) years with two (2) options of one (1) year each for a total of seven years | ADOPTED
2008-044 | Authorizing the General Manager/Secretary-Treasurer to enter into a lease agreement with Little Italy Development, LLC for the continued use of the plaza area of the East 120th Street Rapid Transit Station for a term of five (5) years with two (2) options for one (1) year each for a total of seven years | ADOPTED
2008-043 | Authorizing the General Manager to amend an agreement with the City of Cleveland for the exercise of mutual aid to provide for additional transit police traffic enforcement authority at bus stops, rail crossings and layover zones | ADOPTED
2008-042 | Authorizing Contract No. 2008-093 with Cleveland State University to provide National Incident Management System (NIMS) training for GCRTA Executive Management, Transit Police Officers and other key staff positions in an amount not to exceed $54,875.00 (RTA Development Fund, Transit Police Department budget) | ADOPTED
2008-041 | Authorizing Contract No. 2007-152 with Bialosky + Partners Architects, LLC for Project 24S - A/E services for the Lee-Van Aken Station Reconstruction in the amount of $325,000.00 (RTA Development Fund, Engineering & Project Development Department budget) | ADOPTED
2008-040 | Authorizing Contract No. 2007-151 with Aon Risk Services, Inc. of Ohio to provide casualty insurance broker services for a period of three years in an amount not to exceed $421,197.00 with two additional one-year options in an amount not to exceed $144,610.00 for each option year for a total contract amount not to exceed $710,417.00 (Insurance Fund, Risk Management Department budget) | ADOPTED
2008-039 | Authorizing Contract No. 2007-129 with Truck Trailer Transit for the furnishing of brake maintenance kits, as specified and as required, for a period of one (1) year in an amount not to exceed $231,590.00 (General Fund, Fleet Management Department budget) | ADOPTED
2008-038 | Authorizing Contract No. 2007-106 with NETEAM AVI LLC to provide equipment and installation services for an audio communication and video surveillance system on the Authority's LRV fleet in an amount not to exceed $1,186,022.00 (RTA Development Fund, Rail District Department budget) | ADOPTED
2008-037 | Authorizing a five year contract extension with Joseph A. Calabrese for the position of General Manager/Secretary-Treasurer of the Greater Cleveland Regional Transit Authority | ADOPTED
2008-036 | Authorizing an increase to Contract No. 2006-010 with Perk Construction Company for Project 38-CO2 for the Euclid Corridor Transportation Project - East Roadway to Innerbelt, Public Square and East 17th Street Extension in an amount not to exceed $792,822.30 for a total contract amount not to exceed $27,937,054.52 (RTA Development Fund, Euclid Corridor Transportation Project Department budget) | WITHDRAWN
2008-035 | Authorizing the Greater Cleveland Regional Transit Authority to enter into purchase agreements to purchase permanent and temporary easements for the Euclid Corridor Transportation Project in the hereinafter-described parcels, declaring the necessity therefor for the purpose of making and repairing roads that shall be open to the public without charge, and declaring the value of these parcels acquired, for a total purchase price of $1,458,440 (RTA Development Fund, Euclid Corridor Transportation Project Department budget) X-reference: Bid Package CO-4; 9001 Euclid Avenue, Parcel 248 |
2008-034 | Authorizing the Greater Cleveland Regional Transit Authority to enter into a reimbursement agreement to release a utility easement for the Euclid Corridor Transportation Project in the hereinafter-described parcel, declaring the necessity therefor for the purpose of making and repairing roads that shall be open to the public without charge, and declaring the value of the release acquired, for a total purchase price of $17,856 (RTA Development Fund, Euclid Corridor Transportation Project Department budget) | ADOPTED
2008-033 | Authorizing the General Manager/Secretary-Treasurer to enter into a subrecipient agreement with the Cleveland Clinic Foundation for an intermodal transportation facility and pedestrian accessway on Euclid Avenue X-Reference: Earmark; local match funds; FTA master grant agreement |
2008-032 | Authorizing an expenditure of funds in the amount of $40,000 as the Greater Cleveland Regional Transit Authority's portion of the public funding for the Build Up Greater Cleveland (BUGC) infrastructure network (RTA Capital Fund, Executive Department budget) | ADOPTED