This search includes all resolutions from 1974 - present.
Resolution Number | Title | Status |
2006-048 | Authorizing the Greater Cleveland Regional Transit Authority to enter into a purchase agreement to purchase a permanent and temporary easement for the Euclid Corridor Transportation Project in the hereinafter-described parcel, declaring the necessity therefore for the purpose of making and repairing roads that shall be open to the public without charge, and declaring the value of this parcel acquired, for a total purchase price of $90,980.00 (RTA Development Fund - Euclid Corridor Transportation Project Department budget) | ADOPTED
2006-047 | Authorizing the Greater Cleveland Regional Transit Authority to enter into a purchase agreement to purchase a temporary easement for the Euclid Corridor Transportation Project in the hereinafter-described parcel, declaring the necessity therefore for the purpose of making and repairing roads that shall be open to the public without charge, and declaring the value of this parcel acquired, for a total purchase price of $72,000.00 (RTA Development Fund - Euclid Corridor Transportation Project Department budget) | ADOPTED
2006-046 | A resolution authorizing the General Manager/Secretary-Treasurer to enter into a subrecipient agreement with the Cleveland Museum of Art for an Intermodal Transportation Facility | ADOPTED
2006-045 | Authorizing a contract with the Board of Cuyahoga County Commissioners for Urban Area Security Initiative Grant Program funds. CATEGORIES: Grants Urban Area Security Initiative Grant Program Cuyahoga County Security |
2006-044 | Authorizing sole source Contract No. 2006-065 with Impulse NC, Inc. for seven section insulators and two dies at a total price of $29,969.67 (RTA Capital Fund - Rail District Department budget). CATEGORIES: Impulse NC, Inc. Rail Parts Insulators Rail Maintenance |
2006-043 | Authorizing Contract No. 2006-033 with Prevost Car, Division of Prevost Car (U.S.), Inc. to furnish three (3) rear axle subassemblies at a total price not to exceed $71,514.00 (RTA Development Fund - Fleet Management Department budget). CATEGORIES: Prevost Car Parts Maintenance Axles |
2006-042 | Authorizing Contract No. 2006-025 with Tyco/Simplex Grinnell to provide preventive maintenance and service on the security and access control system, as required, for a period of one year through the State of Ohio Cooperative Purchasing Program at a price not to exceed $216,000.00 (General Fund - Transit Police Department budget). CATEGORIES: Tyco/Simplex Grinnell Security Alarm system |
2006-041 | Authorizing single source Contract No. 2006-019 with North American Bus Industries, Inc. to furnish air spring/air spring/air bellow assemblies, as required, for a period of one (1) year at a total price not to exceed $89,750.00 (General Fund - Fleet Management Department budget). CATEGORIES: North American Bus Industries, Inc. NABI Bus parts Air Springs Air bellows |
2006-040 | Authorizing Contract No. 2006-013B with Thomas Bros. Landscaping, Inc. to provide landscaping services at the Shaker Square rail location, as specified, for the 33 month period from April 1, 2006 through December 31, 2008, in an amount not to exceed $36,900.00 (General Fund - Rail District Department budget). CATEGORIES: Thomas Bros. Landscaping, Inc. Landscaping Shaker Square Rail |
2006-039 | Authorizing Contract No. 2006-031A with Yardmaster, Inc. to provide landscaping services for the east and west side rail locations, as specified for a 33 month period from April 1, 2006 through December 31, 2008, in an amount not to exceed $166,377.00 (General Fund - Rail District Department budget). CATEGORIES: Yardmaster, Inc. Landscaping Rail |
2006-038 | Authorizing Contract No. 2005-154 with Provide A Ride for work access and transportation program services for a three year period with two additional one-year options at a price not to exceed $3,672,000.00 for the base three years and $1,224,000.00 for each option year (General Fund - Service Management Department budget). CATEGORIES: Provide A Ride Paratransit |
2006-037 | Authorizing Contract No. 2005-078 with C.J. Brown Energy Engineering and Architecture, P.C., for the furnishing of energy conservation consulting services in an amount not to exceed $150,000.00 (RTA Capital Fund - Engineering and Project Development Department budget). CATEGORIES: C.J. Brown Energy Engineering & Architecture Consultant Contract Energy |
2006-036 | Authorizing Contract No. 2005-058 with ORX to supply one rebuilt rail car mover for the Rail Maintenance Facility at a total price of $41,513.00 (RTA Capital Fund - Rail District Department budget). CATEGORIES: ORX Rail Rail Equipment Rail car mover |
2006-035 | Expressing appreciation to Francisco Molina for his service as a member of the Board of Trustees of the GCRTA and extending best wishes for many happy years to come. CATEGORIES: Appreciation Congratulations |
2006-034 | Authorizing Contract No. 2005-044D with East Ohio Gas Co. dba Dominion East Ohio, a public utility, in a total sum not to exceed $320,000.00 for payment by the Greater Cleveland Regional Transit Authority of construction costs associated with the adjustment and/or relocation of certain facilities owned and operated in the public right-of-way, as necessary, for the construction of the Euclid Corridor Transportation Project - Contract 38-C03 (RTA Development Fund - Euclid Corridor Transportation Project Department budget) | ADOPTED
2006-033 | Authorizing Contract No. 2005-165 with Doan/Pyramid LLC for the ECTP system wide traffic signals, communications and lighting - Project 38-C05B in an amount not to exceed $13,655,293.38 (RTA Development Fund - Euclid Corridor Transportation Project Department budget) Ref: ECTP Utilities See C/O resos 2006-195, 2007-139 |
2006-032 | Authorizing Contract No. 2005-143 with Cardinal Window Cleaning Company for rapid station window washing and exterior building washing at GCRTA facilities, as specified, for a period of two years in an amount not to exceed $236,500.00 (General Fund - Rail District Department budget) | ADOPTED
2006-031 | Declaring the intent of the Greater Cleveland Regional Transit Authority to appropriate property interests for the Euclid Corridor Transportation Project in all or a portion of the hereinafter-described parcel for a total amount of $14,900.00 (RTA Development Fund - Euclid Corridor Transportation Project Department budget) Key PPN 235 SH-T located at 8400 Euclid Avenue Si Harb Eminent Domain |
2006-030 | Authorizing the Greater Cleveland Regional Transit Authority to enter into a purchase agreement to purchase permanent and temporary easements for the Euclid Corridor Transportation Project in the hereinafter-described parcels, declaring the necessity therefore for the purpose of making and repairing roads that shall be open to the public without charge, and declaring the value of these parcels acquired, for a total purchase price of $30,650.00 (RTA Development Fund - Euclid Corridor Transportation Project Department budget) Key ECTP bid package C-04 Parcel 223 located at 8129 Euclid Avenue Parcel 241 located at 8614 Euclid Avenue Parcel 292 located at 11601 Euclid Avenue Parcel 317 located at 12316 Euclid Avenue August Flucker, Jr. and Jennifer E. Coleman The Parish of the Church of the Transfiguration Maximum Independent Living Lakeview Cemetery Association |
2006-029 | Authorizing the Greater Cleveland Regional Transit Authority to enter into a purchase agreement to purchase a permanent and temporary easement for the Euclid Corridor Transportation Project in the hereinafter-described parcel, declaring the necessity therefore for the purpose of making and repairing roads that shall be open to the public without charge, and declaring the value of this parcel acquired, for a total purchase price of $27,500.00 (RTA Development Fund - Euclid Corridor Transportation Project Department budget) KEY Property located at 720 Euclid Avenue GSK 720 Euclid LLC 720 Euclid Garage Parcel 40 ECTP Bid Package C-02 |
2006-028 | Authorizing sole source Contract No. 2006-016 with North American Bus Industries, Inc. to furnish ten (10) power steering gearboxes at a total price not to exceed $45,251.90 (RTA Development Fund - Fleet Management Department budget) | ADOPTED
2006-027 | Authorizing sole source Contract No. 2006-005 with ARINC, Inc. to provide maintenance and support of the Consolidated Train Dispatch System for a period of one year at a total cost of $196,871.00 (General Fund - Rail District Department budget) CATEGORIES Rail-Signal System-Maintenance Procurement-Purchase-Services |
2006-026 | Authorizing sole source Contract No. 2006-004 with Oracle Corporation for the purchase of Oracle software maintenance and support services for a period of one year at a total cost of $287,777.07 (General Fund - Information Systems Department budget). CATEGORIES: Oracle Corporation Maintenance Computers Software |
2006-025 | Authorizing Contract No. 2005-163 with W.W. Williams Midwest Inc. for the furnishing of Detroit Diesel Series 50EGR engines and spare engine parts, as required, for a two-year period in an amount not to exceed $948,898.10 (RTA Development Fund - Fleet Management Department budget). CATEGORIES: W.W. Williams Midwest Buses Bus parts Equipment Maintenance |
2006-024 | Authorizing Contract No. 2005-160 with KONE, Inc. for repair and maintenance of escalators and elevators, as required and as specified, for a period of three years with two one-year options in an amount not to exceed $524,412.00 for the base three years (General Fund - Rail District Department budget). CATEGORIES; KONE Escalators Elevators Maintenance |