This search includes all resolutions from 1974 - present.
Resolution Number | Title | Status |
2006-123 | Authorizing Contract No. 2006-060B with Wise International Trucks, Inc. for the furnishing of motor coach filters, as specified and as required, for a period of one (1) year in an amount not to exceed $35,346.20 with a one (1) year option in an amount not to exceed $35,346.20 for a total contract amount not to exceed $70,692.40 (General Fund, Fleet Management Department budget) | ADOPTED
2006-122 | Authorizing Contract No. 2006-060A with Vehicle Maintenance Program for the furnishing of motor coach filters, as specified and as required, for a period of one (1) year in an amount not to exceed $71,071.20 with a one (1) year option in an amount not to exceed $71,071.20 for a total contract amount not to exceed $142,142.40 (General Fund, Fleet Management Department budget) | ADOPTED
2006-121 | Authorizing Contract No. 2006-050 with PepsiAmericas to provide beverage vending service at passenger facilities for a period of three years with two one-year options, revenue generating (amount variable - based on usage) Ref: vending machines |
2006-120 | Authorizing Contract No. 2006-042 with Terminix International Company, L.P. for the furnishing of Pest Control Services for buildings, rapid stations, transit coaches and rail cars for a three (3) year period for a total contract price of $101,070.00 (General Fund, Service Management Department budget) | ADOPTED
2006-119 | Expressing congratulations to the employees of the Greater Cleveland Regional Transit Authority who retired during the second quarter of 2006 Ref: Congratulatory, Retirement |
2006-118 | Authorizing Greater Cleveland Regional Transit Authority Membership in the Northeast Ohio League for Leadership and Advocacy. CATEGORIES: Northeast Ohio League for Leadership and Advocacy. Ref: NOLLA |
2006-117 | Authorizing Contract No. 2005-063 with Project and Construction Services, Inc. (PCS) for Project 17E-Construction Support Services consultant for Brooklyn Garage Consolidation in an amount of $396,092.00 (RTA Development Fund, Engineering & Project Development Department Budget). Ref: Brooklyn District |
2006-116 | A resolution authorizing an interagency agreement with Cuyahoga County for the installation of fiber optic conduit by the GCRTA ECTP. CATEGORIES: Interagency Agreement ECTP |
2006-115 | Authorizing the GCRTA to purchase a permanent easement for the Euclid Corridor Transportation Project in the hereinafter-described parcel, declaring the necessity therefore for the purpose of making and repairing roads that shall be open to the public without charge, and declaring the value of this parcel acquired, for a total purchase price of $15,936.00 (RTA Development Fund - Euclid Corridor Transportation Project Department Budget). CATEGORIES: Permanent easement for ECTP Purchase price of $15,936.00 Parcel at Euclid AVenue and East 55th Street |
2006-114 | Authorizing the GCRTA to enter into a purchase agreement to purchase a permanent and temporary easement for the Euclid Corridor Transportation Project in the hereinafter-described parcel, declaring the necessity therefore for the purpose of making and repairing roads that shall be open to the public without charge, and declaring the value of this parcel acquired, for a total purchase price of $5,800.00 (RTA Development Fund - Euclid Corridor Transportation Project Department Budget). CATEGORIES: ECTP Easement $5,800 value 9606 Euclid Avenue |
2006-113 | Authorizing the General Manager to enter into LPA Federal Local -Let Project Agreement with the Ohio Department of Transportation for the expansion of the Westlake Park-N-Ride lot. CATEGORIES: Westlake Park-N-Ride LPA Federal Local-Let Project Agreement ODOT ODOT Agreement Increased by reso 2007-030 |
2006-112 | Authorizing Contract No. 2006-071 with BP Products North America, in an amount of $486,000 for a one-year period with two one-year options at the same annual amount through the State of Ohio Cooperative Purchasing Program at a projected total amount not to exceed$1,458,000.00 (General Fund, Fleet Management Department budget). CATEGORIES: BP Products North America, Inc. Fuel Fluids Buses |
2006-111 | Authorizing an increase to Contract No. 2005-031(A) with Cold Harbor Building Company for Project 31E-Shaker Station ADA Upgrade for the General Trades in the amount of $3,638.91 for a total contract amount of $696,747.81 (RTA Development Fund, Engineering & Project Development Department budget). CATEGORIES: Cold Harbor Building Contract No. 2005-031(A) Shaker Station ADA Stations ADA |
2006-110 | Authorizing sole source contract No. 2006-049 with Integrated Sensing Solutions, Inc., for Project 11.26 - gas detection upgrade for the Harvard Bus Garage at a total price of $100,00.00 (RTA Capital Fund, Engineering and Project Management Department budget) | ADOPTED
2006-109 | Authorizing Contract No. 2006-046 with Terrace Construction Co., Inc. for the rehabilitation of Euclid Avenue from East 79th Street to Windermere-Project 38-CO4 in an amount not to exceed $22,050,556.92 (RTA Development Fund, Euclid Corridor Transportation Project Department budget). CATEGORIES: Terrace Construction Co., Inc. Euclid Avenue Rehab ECTP Project 38-CO4 See C/O reso 2007-164 |
2006-108 | Authorizing Contract No. 2006-065 with Stephen Campbell & Associate, Inc. for the furnishing of four (4) recording devices and installation through the State of Ohio Cooperative Program in an amount not to exceed $39,080.00 (RTA Capital Fund, Service Management Department). CATEGORIES: Stephen Campbell & Associates, Inc. Recording devices |
2006-107 | Authorizing Contract No. 2006-06l with GTSI Corporation for the furnishing of 22 mobile data terminals through the State of Ohio Cooperative Purchasing Program in the amount of $50,134.70 (RTA Development budget). CATEGORIES: GTSI Corp. Mobile Data Terminals Information System |
2006-106 | Authorizing Contract No. 2005-155 with the Rail Network to provide and operate a multi media passenger information system for a period of ten years with four one-year mutual option years (revenue generating, amount-variable-based on revenue) CATEGORIES: Rail Network Information System Passenger Information System |
2006-105 | Authorizing Contract No. 2006-048 with Minority Electric Company, Inc. in the amount of $43,790.00 (RTA Capital RTA Capital Fund, Project Development and Engineering budget). CATEGORIES: Minority Electric Company, Inc. Main Office Parking Garage |
2006-104 | Authorizing Contract No. 2006-053 with Independence Excavating, Inc. for Project 38-DR-02, demolition of 6611 Euclid Avenue, in an amount of $572,069.42 (RTA Development Fund, Euclid Corridor Transportation Project Department budget) CATEGORIES: Independence Excavating, Inc. Project 38-DR-02 ECTP Demolition |
2006-103 | Authorizing Contract 2006-027B with the Janek Corporation for the purchase of farebox and faregate repair parts, as required, at a price of $15,420.00 for a one-year period and at a price of $15,420.00 for the option year, for a total contract price of $30,840.00 (General Fund, Fleet Management Department budget). CATEGORIES: Janek Corporation Fareboxes Faregates Farebox parts |
2006-102 | Authorizing sole source Contract 2006-027A with GFI Genfare, Inc.for the purchase of farebox and faregate repair parts, as required, at a price of $145,150.00 for a one-year period and at a price not to exceed $290,300.00 (General Fund, Fleet Management Department budget). CATEGORIES: GFI Genfare Farebox parts Faregate parts |
2006-101 | Authorizing Contract No. 2006-052 with Ohio Material Handling, Inc. for the purchase of one (1) material handling lift truck, as specified, at a price of $28,114.00 (RTA Capital Fund, Triskett District budget). CATEGORIES: Ohio Material Handling Lift Truck Lift Truck |
2006-100 | Authorizing Contract No. 2006-044 with W.W. Williams Midwest, Inc. to furnishing thirty (30) Allison B400R master transmission overhaul kits, as required, for a one-year period in an amount not to exceed $93,750.00 (RTA Development Fund -Fleet Management Department budget). CATEGORIES: W.W. Williams Allison B400R Bus Parts Master Transmission Overhaul Kits |
2006-099 | Authorizing Contract No. 2006-063 with Chemsafe International for the furnishing of heavy-duty cleaner/degreaser, as specified and as required, for a period of one (1) year in an amount not to exceed $94,800.00 (General Fund, Fleet Management Department budget). CATEGORIES: Chemsafe International Cleaner Degreaser Chemicals |