Board Resolutions

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This search includes all resolutions from 1974 - present.

Resolution Number Title Status
2007-011 Authorizing Contract No. 2006-142 with Network Dynamics, Inc. for the furnishing of maintenance support and software upgrades for Cisco equipment, as specified, through the State of Ohio Cooperative Purchasing Program in the amount of $43,645.86 (General Fund, Information Systems Department budget)
2007-010 Authorizing Contract No. 2006-141 with Parkworks, Inc. to manage a seven-month program in both 2007 and 2008 designed to clean up the RTA rail right-of-way in an amount not to exceed $70,000.00 (General Fund, Rail District Department budget)
2007-009 Authorizing Contract No. 2006-140 with Vermeer Sales & Service, Inc. for the furnishing of one brush chipper, as specified, through the State of Ohio Cooperative Purchasing Program at a total price of $38,125.00 (RTA Development Fund, Rail District Department budget)

2007-008 Authorizing sole source Contract No. 2006-132 with General Electric Company for the purchase of thirteen (13) main controller groups for the overhaul of the Tokyu HRV fleet at a total price of $1,449,500.00 (RTA Development Fund, Rail District Department budget)
2007-007 Authorizing Contract No. 2006-127 with Sterling Paper Company to supply schedule (timetable) paper, as required, for a one-year period, in an amount not to exceed $70,560.00 (General Fund, Support Services Department budget)
2007-006 Authorizing Contract No. 2006-111 with Osborn Architects and Engineers for Project 48 AB - A/E services for the design of East 118th Street/Wade Park and Rocky River bus loop replacements in the amount of $77,000.00 (RTA Development Fund, Programming and Planning Department budget)
2007-005 Authorizing Contract No. 2006-067B with Xerox Corporation to provide a wide format digital printer/scanner, including equipment, software, maintenance and supplies (excluding paper) to the Authority for a period of three years, with two one-year options in an amount not to exceed $24,265.08 for the base three years, and in an amount not to exceed $8,088.36 for each option year for a total contract amount not to exceed $40,441.80 (General Fund, Support Services Department budget)
2007-004 Authorizing Contract No. 2006-067A with Konica Minolta Business Solutions, U.S.A., Inc. to provide a digital multifunction usage program, including equipment, software, maintenance and supplies (excluding paper) to the Authority for a period of three years, with two one-year options in an amount not to exceed $440,734.92 for the base three years and in an amount not to exceed $146,911.64 for each option year for a total contract amount not to exceed $734,558.20 (General Fund, Support Services Department budget)
2007-003 Authorizing the payment of dues for active membership in the Ohio Public Transit Association by the Greater Cleveland Regional Transit Authority for the 2007 calendar year in the amount of $37,314.00 (General Fund, Executive Department budget)
2007-002 Authorizing the payment of dues to the Northeast Ohio Areawide Coordinating Agency (NOACA) for Fiscal Year 2007 in the amount of $52,099.00 (RTA Capital Fund, Executive Department budget)
2007-001 Expressing congratulations to the employees of the Greater Cleveland Regional Transit Authority who retired during the fourth quarter of 2006
Ref: Congratulatory, Retirement, Retirees
2006-237 Authorizing the disposition of Greater Cleveland Regional Transit Authority transit coach 9257 in "as is" condition to the Cleveland Chapter of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP)
Ref: Donation, surplus property, donating
2006-236 Authorizing Contract No. 2006-121 with UMMSU, LLC, for the sale of forty-eight (48) used transit vehicles in "as is" condition for a total sale price of $85,920.00
2006-235 Authorizing the General Manager to enter into a subrecipient agreement with the Senior Transportation Connection of Cuyahoga County (STC)
2006-234 Authorizing the filing of grant applications with the Federal Transit Administration for federal transportation assistance
2006-233 Authorizing the Cuyahoga County Transit Element of the State Fiscal Years 2008-2011 Transportation Improvement Program for the Cleveland urbanized area, and authorizing its submission to the Northeast Ohio Areawide Coordinating Agency (NOACA)
2006-232 Authorizing an endorsement to name the Northeast Ohio Areawide Coordinating Agency as the designated recipient of federal funds for Job Access/Reverse Commute and New Freedom Federal Programs
2006-231 Authorizing the filing of applications with the Northeast Ohio Areawide Coordinating Agency for financial assistance for federal aid projects
2006-230 Making appropriations for the current expenses and other expenditures of the Greater Cleveland Regional Transit Authority during the year 2007
See resos 2007-102, 2007-126, 2007-127


2006-229 Authorizing the purchase of insurance from FM Global through AON Risk Services, Inc. of Ohio, property insurance broker for the GCRTA, for a period of 12 months for a total contract amount not to exceed $577,000.00 (General Fund, Risk Management Department budget)
2006-228 Authorizing a contract with Shen Shen Shang in an amount not to exceed eighty-one thousand dollars ($81,000.00) for public artwork associated with the East 55th Street Rapid Transit Station Project (RTA Development Fund, Programming and Planning Department budget)
2006-227 Authorizing the Greater Cleveland Regional Transit Authority to enter into a purchase agreement to purchase a permanent and temporary easement for the Euclid Corridor Transportation Project in the hereinafter-described parcel, declaring the necessity therefor for the purpose of making and repairing roads that shall be open to the public without charge, and declaring the value of this parcel acquired, for a total purchase price of $46,31.000 (RTA Development Fund, Euclid Corridor Transportation Project Department budget)
ECTP Property
Parcel 229 at 8230 Euclid Avenue
McDonald's USA, LLC
2006-226 Authorizing an increase to the General Manager's change order authority on Contract No. 2005-145 ECTP - Rehabilitation of Euclid Avenue from the Innerbelt Bridge to East 79th Street, with Terrace Construction Company, Inc. for Project 38-C03 (RTA Development Fund, Euclid Corridor Transportation Project Department budget)
ECTP Construction
See reso 2006-014
2006-225 Authorizing Sole Source Contract No. 2006-135 with Citrix Systems, Inc. for maintenance of the Citrix Metaframe XP server application for a period of one year for a total price of $36,337.50 (General Fund, Information Systems Department budget)
2006-224 Authorizing Contract No. 2006-129 with Prevost Car, Division of Prevost Car (U.S.), Inc., to furnish rear axle rod bushing kits, as specified and as required, for a two-year period at a total price not to exceed $44,000.00 (General Fund, Fleet Management Department budget)