This search includes all resolutions from 1974 - present.
Resolution Number | Title | Status |
2006-098 | Amending Resolution 2005-168 to provide for an increase in the Appropriation in the Insurance Fund int he amount of $141,000 CATEGORIES: Appropriation Insurance Fund Budget increase See resos 2005-168, 2006-171, 2006-213 |
2006-097 | Authorizing payment to the American Public Transportation Association for membership dues of the GCRTA in said Association for the period July 1, 2006 to June 30, 2007 in the amount of $58,412.00 (General Fund - Executive Department budget). | ADOPTED
2006-096 | Expressing appreciation to Allan C. Krulak for his service as a Member of the Board of Trustees of the Greater Cleveland Regional Transit Authority and extending best wishes for many happy years to come. CATEGORIES: Congratulations |
2006-095 | Expressing appreciation to Beverly Burtzlaff for her service as a Member of the Board of Trustees of the Greater Cleveland Regional Transit Authority and extending best wishes for many happy years to come. CATEGORIES: Congratulations |
2006-094 | Authorizing Contract No. 2006-041 with Schirmer Construction Company for Project 18W - Strongsville Park and Ride expansion for the entire work in the amount of $622,500.00 (RTA Development Fund, Engineering & Project Development Department budget). CATEGORIES: Strongsville Park-N-Ride Project 18W Expansion of Park-N-Ride |
2006-093 | Authorizing the purchase of Contractors Pollution Liability and Pollution Legal Liability Insurnace for the Euclid Corridor Transportation Project from AIG and/or other underwriters through Aon, Casualty Insurance Broker for GCRTA, for an estimated period of three years and five years respectively for a total not to exceed amount of $222,000 - (RTA Development Fund - Euclid Corridor Transportation Department budget) CATEGORIES: Contractors Pollution Liability and Pollution Legal Liability Insurance Insurance Pollution Insurance Pollution Legal Liability Insurance for ECTP |
2006-092 | Amending Resolution No. 2005-168 to provide for an appropriation in the Law Enforcement Fund in the amount of $155,000.00 | ADOPTED
2006-091 | A resolution authorizing the General Manager/Secretary-Treasurer to enter into an Interagency Agreement with the City of Euclid for Improvements to the Tungsten Road Circle Transportation Facility. CATEGORIES: Interagency Agreement Agreement City of Euclid Tungsten Road Circle Transportation Facility |
2006-090 | Authorizing the GCRTA to enter into purchase agreements to purchase permanent and temporary easements for the Euclid Corridor Transportation Project in the hereinafter-described parcels, declaring the necessity therefore for the purpose of making and repairing roads that shall be open to the public without charge, and declaring the value of these parcels acquired, for a total purchase price of $19,365.00 (RTA Development Fund - Euclid Corridor Transportation Project in the hereinafter-described parcels, declaring the necessity therefore for the purpose of making and repairing roads that shall be open to the public without charge, and declaring the value of these parcels acquired for a total purchase price of $19,365.00 (RTA Development Fund - Euclid Corridor Transportation Project Department budget. CATEGORIES: Euclid Corridor Transportation Project Permanent easements Temporary easements |
2006-089 | Authorizing the GCRTA to enter into purchase agreements to purchase permanent and temporary easements for the Euclid Corridor Transportation Project in the hereinafter-described parcels, declaring the necessity therefor for the purpose of making and repairing roads that shall be open to the public without charge, and declaring the value of these parcels acquired for a total purchase price of $64,200.00 (RTA Development Fund - Euclid Corridor Transportation Project Department budget). CATEGORIES: Euclid Corridor Transportation Project Easements Permanent easements Temporary easements |
2006-088 | Authorizing Contracts 2006-062 A & B with two public utilities ("Utilities"), Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company and East Ohio Gas Co. dba Dominion East Ohio in a total sum not to exceed $330,411.00 for payment by the GCRTA of costs associated with design and engineering the adjustment and/or relocation of certain facilities owned and operated in the public right-of-way by the Utilities, as necessary for the construction of the Euclid Corridor Transportation Project - Contract 38-CO-4 (RTA Development Fund, Euclid Corridor Transportation Project Department budget). CATEGORIES: 38-CO-4 Euclid Corridor Transportation Project Utilities CEI Dominion East Ohio |
2006-087 | Authorizing sole source Contract No. 2006-057 with Prevost Car, division of Prevost Car (U.S.), Inc. to furnish three (3) rear axle subassemblies at a total price not to exceed $71,514.00 (RTA Development Fund, Fleet Management Department budget) CATEGORIES: Prevost Car Division of Prevost Car (U.S.), Inc. Rear Axle Subassemblies |
2006-086 | Authorizing sole source Cpmtract Mp/ 2006-059 with Motorola, Inc., for the purchase and installation of GCRTA transit Police radio equipment for the MARCS System, as specified, in an amount not to exceed $105,067.34 (RTA Development Fund, Transit Police Department budget). CATEGORIES: Motorola, Inc. Transit Police radio equipment MARCS System |
2006-085 | Authorizing sole source Contract No. 2006-055 with W.W. Williams Midwest, Inc. for the labor to replace the Detroit Diesel Series 50 EGR engine turbocharger(s) , as required, in an amount not to exceed $225,000.00 (General Fund, Fleet Management Department budget). CATEGORIES: W.W. Williams Midwest, Inc. Detroit Diesel Series 50 EGR Turbochargers |
2006-084 | Authorizing Contract No. 2006-045 with Lyden Oil Co. for the furnishing of transmission fluid, as specified and as required, for a period of one (1) year, in an amount not to exceed $116,492.00 (General Fund, Fleet Management Department budget). CATEGORIES: Lyden Oil Transmission Fluid Fluids Buses |
2006-083 | Authorizing Contract No. 2006-032 with DDC+ Incorporated for Project No. 17.11 - Security upgrade for the Hayden bus garage in the amount of $76,000.00 (RTA Development Fund, Transit Police Department budget). DDC+ Inc. Project No. 17.11 Hayden Bus Garage Security Upgrade Transit Police budget |
2006-082 | Authorizing Contract No. 2006-030 with W.W. Williams for the furnishing of Detroit Diesel engine parts as specified and as required, for a period of one (1) year in an amount not to exceed $678,002.00 (General Fund, Fleet Management Department budget). CATEGORIES: W.W. Williams Detroit Diesel Engine Parts Buses Bus Parts Bus Engines |
2006-081 | A resolution to extend the membership terms of Cathy Lewis-Wright and Mary Vadas-Reese as members of the Citizens' Advisory Board. CATEGORIES: Citizens' Advisory Board Extension of membership terms Cathy Lewis-Wright Mary Vadas-Reese |
2006-080 | A resolution appointing Deidre D. Brooks and Bradley D. Chase as members of the Citizens' Advisory Board | ADOPTED
2006-079 | Recognizing and commending all participants in the GCRTA Commuter Advantage Program. CATEGORIES: Commuter Advantage Program |
2006-078 | A resolution amending rates of fares to be charged on the GCRTA CATEGORIES: Fare Increase New fares Two-step fare increase See reso 2008-063 Also note resos 2001-14 Inter-Agency Transfer Policy; 1996-72 Comprehensive Fare Policy; 1992-45 Paratransit Plan and 1990-206 RTA transfers |
2006-077 | Establishing the GCRTA 2006 Affirmative Action Goals for Equal Employment Opportunity | ADOPTED
2006-076 | Authorizing the filing of grant applications with the Federal Transit Administration for federal transportation assistance. CATEGORIES: Grants Grant applications |
2006-075 | Authorizing the purchase of excess casualty insurance from various insurance underwriters through Aon Risk Services, Inc., Casualty Insurance Broker for GCRTA, for a period of 15 months for a total amount not to exceed $1,809,282.00 - (GCRTA Insurance Fund ($1,495,000.00) and General Fund ($314,282.00) - Risk Management Department budget). CATEGORIES: Casualty insurance Insurance |
2006-074 | Amending Resolution No. 2005-112 to revise Contract Nos. 2005-112 A-H, for an additional amount of $450,156.06 for a total contract amount of $2,609,050.16 for payment by the GCRTA of costs associated with the adjustment and/or relocation of certain facilities owned and operated in the public right-of-way by the Utilities, as necessary for the construction of the Euclid Corridor Transportation Project - Contract 38-CO3 (RTA Development Fund - Euclid Corridor Transportation Project Department budget). CATEGORIES: Real estate Euclid Corridor Transportation Project ECTP Utilities |