MetroHealth Line Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) - Improvements

Make transit accessible:

  • Provide improved bus stops, shelters, and waiting  to make it easier for differently abled people to access transit

Create inclusive accessibility:

  • Better connect people to jobs, education, healthcare, and essential services, by reducing travel times and making transit more convenient and useful
  • Foster improved access to opportunities and community life without the need to own a car
  • Support an inclusive and connected community

Increase ridership:

  • Improve the rider experience through comfortable transit waiting environments and improved bus reliability 
  • Help people reach opportunities for a fulfilling life by making transit a more feasible option
  • Support active living for healthier people and communities
  • Protect the environment with cleaner air, quieter streets, and reduced carbon emissions
  • Contribute to an overall stronger public transportation system

Reduce travel time:

  • Provide an attractive alternative to driving
  • Let buses bypass traffic on dedicated bus lanes
  • Prioritize buses with advanced transit signal technology
  • Help buses more reliably be on time

Mitigate congestion:

  • Make it easier for people to make less car trips
  • Reduce traffic congestion for all road users including drivers of cars
  • Work in concert with new transit oriented development to provide opportunities for daily needs to be met with a short and
  • comfortable walking, bike, or transit trip

Economic Development:

  • bring more people to businesses and attractions along the BRT route
  • provide an affordable and convenient travel option that will increase the wealth and spending power of local residents
  • support walkable vibrant streets and places that attract investment
  • Provide opportunities for transit oriented development
  • contribute to a stronger regional economy
    • investing in public transportation keeps our economy on track for success.
    • Every $1 invested in public transportation generates approximately $5 in economic returns.
    • The economic impact of public transportation is felt by everyone – from employees and businesses to families and communities