Click here for a downloadable copy of the full 2021/2022 Legislative Update (1.01 MB).
The following represents GCRTA's Federal and State legislative priorities for Federal Fiscal Years (FFY) 2021 and 2022.
- GCRTA requests support in seeking and obtaining multi-year funding commitments from FTA, ODOT and others for the replacement of our Rail Car Fleet. GCRTA has already identified $139.5 million of the $300 million total program cost. We are seeking the remaining $160.5 million over the next five to six years.
- GCRTA requests additional support in obtaining additional federal and state funding for our highest priority State of Good Repair programs:
- $8.8 million for our 2021-2023 Bus Replacement Program
- $31.5 million for our Light Rail Track Reconstruction Program
- $19.8 million for our Rail Infrastructure Systems Program
- $23.9 million for our 2024-2026 Bus Replacement Program
- GCRTA asks that the reauthorization of the FAST Act include a significant increase to the Mass Transit Account of the Highway Trust Fund, with additional sources of funding dedicated to funding public transit at levels needed to achieve a "State of Good Repair".
- GCRTA requests that the State of Ohio act on and update ODOT’s "Ohio Statewide Transit Needs Study" by identifying dedicated funding in the State’s 2022-23 biennial ODOT and General Revenue Fund budgets to close the funding gap identified in the study.
- GCRTA requests that Cuyahoga County Council act on the Cuyahoga County Council Regional Transportation Subcommittee’s “Final Report” by identifying and securing dedicated transit funding sources for GCRTA.
- GCRTA has prepared a priority list of $200.8 million of our $514 million backlog of unfunded projects that are included in our Capital Improvement Program but are either partially funded or have been delayed due to lack of funding. They are included in the current 2021-2024 State of Ohio Transportation Improvement Program (STIP) and can be awarded quickly as Competitive Grants are awarded.
- GCRTA has also prepared a partial list totaling $104.7 of our $514 million backlog of unfunded projects that are not included in our 2021-2025 Capital Improvement Program. They continue to be delayed due to lack of capital project funding.