Roll Call
- President: Paul A. Koomar, Mayor, City of Bay Village
- Vice President: Lauren R. Welch, Interim Director of Communications, Say Yes Cleveland
- Anastasia A. Elder, Esq. – Associate, UB Greensfelder L.L.P.
- Marie Gallo, Mayor, City of Parma Heights
- Stephen M. Love, Program Director, Cleveland Foundation
- Rev. Charles P. Lucas, Pastor Emeritus, St. James AME Church
- Deidre McPherson, Chief Community Officer, Assembly for the Arts
- Emily Garr Pacetti, Senior Principal and Interim Community Affairs Officer, Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland
- Jeffrey W. Sleasman, Senior Director, The Fund for Our Economic Future
- David E. Weiss, Mayor, City of Shaker Heights
Direct any concerns for Board members to 216-356-3120 or send e-mail. To reach the RTA Main Office, call 216-566-5100.
Primary responsibilities
- Approve policies governing RTA’s business activities.
- Approve long-range goals and annual operating objectives and budgets.
- Oversee management activities and implementation of adopted plans, policies and objectives.
- Approve all procurement actions and contracts that exceed $100,000, and all contract amendments and change orders exceeding:
- $100,000 on contracts up to $1,000,000; and
- 10 percent of the original contract, or $250,000 on contracts between $1,000,000 and $5,000,000, whichever is less; and
- $500,000 for all contracts for more than $5,000,000.
- Hire the Chief Executive Officer/General Manager.
- Approve the hiring and personnel actions for the Director of Internal Audit.
The Board of Trustees has adopted bylaws that establish procedures for conducting business. These bylaws, included in the RTA Code, address the following:
The President, Vice President and Secretary-Treasurer are officers. The President and Vice President are Board members elected for a one-year term at the annual meeting. The Secretary-Treasurer is not required to be a member of the Board. The annual meeting is held at the first regular board meeting in March. The President, or in their absence, the Vice President, presides at all Board meetings and has the authority to sign legal documents on behalf of RTA.
Board Meetings
Regular meetings are held at 9 a.m. in the Board Room of the RTA, on the first floor of the Root-McBride Building, 1240 W. Sixth St. Cleveland, Ohio 44113, generally on the third Tuesday of each month, unless otherwise specified.
If you require a sign language interpeter, please contact the Board secretary at 216-356-3116 within 10 days in advance of the meeting. The public IS allowed to make comments at Board meetings.
Standing Committees
Members are appointed by the Board President. The Committees are:
- Board Governance
- Audit, Safety Compliance & Real Estate
- External & Stakeholder Relations & Advocacy
- Operational Planning & Infrastructure
- Organizational, Services & Performance Monitoring
Other committees may be established as needed. Committee meetings are held at 9 a.m. in the Board Room of the RTA, first floor of the Root-McBride Building, 1240 W. Sixth St., Cleveland, Ohio 44113, generally on the first Tuesday of each month, unless otherwise specified.
If you require a sign language interpeter, please contact the Board secretary at 216-356-3116 within 10 days in advance of the meeting. The public is NOT allowed to make comments at Committee meetings. Please attend a Board meeting if you'd like to make comments.
Prior years' Board and Committee meetings are archived here.