Oct 16, 2018
In order to achieve RTA’s mission to provide safe, reliable, clean and courteous public transportation new revenue will be needed in the future. We know that a successful transit ballot measure will required, civic input, creating a shared vision, increasing public trust, and time to accomplish these things. This year we have commissioned several studies to help us develop a plan as we move forward. We need to know that the public, civic leaders, business influencers and, most importantly, our customers think about the future of RTA. What are their priorities? And what role can RTA play in helping everyone achieve their goals?
- A fare study is currently underway. Our goals are to evaluate RTA’s fare structures and the impact of fare increases on ridership and revenue. We want to understand how low income populations would be impacted by a potential fare increase. We should receive the complete report by March of 2019.
- The economic impact study, being conducted by Cleveland State University is in progress. A draft of the results of the socio-economic impact analysis is expected in January of 2019.
- System Re-design study is currently vetting firms. It’s time to review the current system and service design and make recommendations for improvement. We want consultants to provide recommendations for various revenue scenarios. This study will involve public engagement, two charrettes and in-depth data analysis and report should be complete by March 2019.
- Greater Cleveland Partnership is engaging the business community to assist RTA with an efficiency study. Local business leaders will meet and work with RTA managers and directors to assess the various internal processes and provide feedback on improvements.
- RTA is working with LTK Engineering Services to prioritize light rail vehicle vs. heavy rail vehicle rail car replacement and to determine maintenance solutions that may extend the current life of the rail fleet. This study is underway, and a report is expected by February of 2019.
A Strategic Plan will connect the studies to an overarching strategy, that will include public and Board engagement, and the creation of technical, steering and stakeholder committees. The current RTA Strategic Plan sunsets in 2020, therefore we need to begin construction of a new Strategic Plan that will be ready for adoption in January 2020.