Beginning Saturday, August 3, 2024, 5:30 a.m. - 10:00 p.m., the City of Lakewood will hold The Lakewood Arts Festival on Detroit Ave. between Marlow Ave. and Lakeland Ave.
During this time, the following reroutes will be in effect:
#26-26A: Detroit
Eastbound: Regular route to Detroit and Summit, left on Summit, right on Clifton, right on Bunts, left on Detroit returning to regular route.
Westbound: Regular route to Detroit and Bunts, right on Bunts, left on Clifton, left on Summit, right on Detroit returning to regular route.
#83: Warren - West 130
Northbound: Regular route to Warren and Franklin, right on Franklin, left on Bunts, left on Clifton, right on Belle returning to the regular route.
Southbound: Regular route to Belle and Clifton, left on Clifton, right on Bunts, right on Franklin, left on Warren returning to regular route.