Nov. 1, 2016: Agenda set for Board Committee meetings

The RTA Board of Trustees will meet in Committee at 9 a.m. Tuesday, Nov. 1, 2016, in the George F. Dixon III Board Room, 1240 W. Sixth St. Here are the agenda items.

 Nov. 1, 2016: Agenda set for Board Committee meetings

Oct 27, 2016

CLEVELAND -- The Board of Trustees of the Greater Cleveland Regional Transit Authority (RTA) will meet in Committee at 9 a.m. Tuesday, Nov. 1, 2016, in the George F. Dixon III Board Room, 1240 W. Sixth St., Cleveland, OH. Here are the agenda items.

Finance Committee

  • Presentation on competitive procurement for Transit Advertising Sales.
  • Discussion of 2017 Operating Budget.
  • Update on procurement for phone replacement and network upgrade.

Operations Committee

  • Review of 2017 Service Plan.

Planning & Development Committee

  • Update on Environmental Sustainability Management System.
  • Presentation by ODOT on preliminary design of the Quincy/East 105th Street Station.

Committee of the Whole

  • Review of the third quarter 2016 results.
  • Review of the third quarter 2016 work.

Executive session requested

  • To discuss legal matters.


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