March 7, 2017:Committee meeting agenda

The RTA Board of Trustees will hold committee meetings at 9 a.m. Tuesday, March 7, 2017, in the George F. Dixon III Board Room, 1240 W. Sixth St.

 March 7, 2017:Committee meeting agenda

Feb 28, 2017

CLEVELAND - The Board of Trustees of the Greater Cleveland Regional Transit Authority (RTA) will hold committee meetings at 9 a.m. Tuesday, March 7, 2017, in the George F. Dixon III Board Room, 1240 W. Sixth St., Cleveland.

Agenda revised 3/3/17

Finance Committee

  • Presentation on competitive negotiated procurement for Enterprise Content Management System.
  • Discussion of proposed revision to financial policies and amendments to the 2017 Budget

Operations Committee

  • Presentation on competitive negotiated procurement for radio replacement study to determine best replacement alternative for the RTA.

Planning & Development Committee

  • Presentation on competitive negotiated procurement for a firm to provide design services for the rehabilitation of the E. 116th Bridge over the Light Rail Trunk Line.


Media Contact:

Linda Scardilli Krecic   
216-356-3104 (new number)
216-390-9605, cell

Major Stations Affected