March 17, 2016: RTA offers extra rail service on St. Patrick’s Day

 March 17, 2016: RTA offers extra rail service on St. Patrick’s Day

Mar 15, 2016

CLEVELAND -- St. Patrick’s Day is usually the busiest ridership day of the year for the Greater Cleveland Regional Transit Authority (RTA). RTA will operate extra rail service to handle the crowds headed Downtown for the parade.

It’s just $5 for an All-Day Pass that is good until 3 a.m. the next day. Here are other tips to help you enjoy the day.

  • Plan ahead. Buses will be detoured off the parade route to nearby streets. Normal operations will resume as soon as possible after the parade. Automated service on the RTAnswerline, 216-621-9500, is available 24/7, or use the trip planner at
  • Allow plenty of time for your trip. The parade begins at 1 p.m. on Superior Avenue at East 18th Street, and continues west on Superior Avenue.
  • Follow directions. Transit Police and RTA staff work to provide you with a safe, enjoyable trip. Transit Police will enforce regulations. Your cooperation is appreciated.
  • Ride the Rapid. RTA offers extra rail service all day. There’s plenty of parking, but if a lot is full, move to an alternate station. Transit Police will ticket and tow cars that block normal operations.
  • Listen to the radio. RTA will keep traffic reporters up-to-date as to which Rapid Station parking lots are full, and which ones still offer space.
  • On your mobile devices, follow RTA on Twitter @GCRTA(link is external) and is external), and through Commuter Alerts for regular updates about parking availability.
  • Visit RTA’s Web page. Keep track of tips and available parking at
  • Dispose of open beverage containers before riding RTA.
  • Need help? Look for a Transit Police officer or an RTA staff person.
  • Bicycles are not allowed on trains that carry full loads.
  • Leave your backpack at home. For security reasons, the City of Cleveland does not permit backpacks along the parade route.

Access to the Tower City Rapid Station will be maintained throughout the day for all RTA customers, even though stores plan to close at 2 p.m.

Media contact:

Linda Scardilli Krecic(link sends email)
216-390-9605, cell