Apr 7, 2017
An opportunity to join RTA in congratulating well-behaved high school students who ride the bus daily in Cleveland Heights.
RTA bus operator Leslie Rivers was so impressed with the maturity of students from Cleveland Heights High that she left a message for Administrative Principal Zoraba Ross, commending the students who ride bus route 41 on Tuesdays, the school’s early dismissal day.
Schools officials want to honor both the students and the driver. They will take photos of Ms. Rivers with the students around 2:30 p.m. on Tuesday, April 11, 2017, when she stops by the school on her regular route to pick up students.
In her message to the principal, Ms. Rivers said that the Heights High students are always good representatives of the school, and that they do the right thing. She asked Mr. Ross to let the students know that they should keep up the good work. She wrote that she has been driving a RTA bus for 17 years and has seen many groups of students and that she appreciates the maturity of the group from Heights High.
After receiving the message, Mr. Ross thanked the students during the morning announcements, commending them for their mature attitudes and for representing Heights High in a way that makes the school proud.
“So many times, teenagers at our school and in many places are only noticed if they act out and cause a problem for adults,” said Joy Henderson, Liaison for Parents and Community at Heights High School.
“We really appreciate that Ms. Rivers took the time to say a kind word about Heights High students and complimented them for being mature and responsible,” Henderson said. “We see our students performing well every day in the classroom, in the arts, on the athletic field and as responsible citizens. We are very proud that others see it too!”
Media Contacts:
Linda Scardilli Krecic - RTA
216-356-3104 (office)
216-390-9605 (cell)
Joy Henderson, Cleve Hts High School
216-320-3052 (office)
216-965-9795 (mobile)