Jesse O. Anderson lives in the City of Cleveland and has been an appointee of the City of Cleveland since March 1, 1990. He is serving his seventh term on the RTA Board of Trustees.
Transit experience
- In the American Public Transportation Association (APTA), Diversity Council, Access Committee, and Human Resource Committee
- A former member of APTA's Governing Board (Regional Representative for two terms) and scholarship foundation (APTF).
- Active in the local and national chapters of Conference of Minority Transportation Officials (COMTO).
40 years as an advocate for persons with disabilities
- 2002, Citizen of Distinction Award from the City of Cleveland and Goodwill Industries, for his outstanding service to the community and professional accomplishments.
- 16 years, Council member, Ohio Rehabilitation Services Commission
- Member, Cuyahoga County Commissioner's Advisory Committee on Disabled Persons
- Member, Board of Trustees, Legal Aid Society of Cleveland
- Community advocate, Disabled Rights Task Force Inc.
- Past officer, Easter Seals Society of Cleveland and Ohio
- Past president, Services for Independent Living Inc.
- Trustee, Disability Network of Ohio - Solidarity, Inc.
Education and employment
- Bachelor of Science degree in Business Administration, with an emphasis in Public Administration, from Myers University (formerly Dyke College).
- Semi-retired. Self-employed as a Financial Accountant.