Good Morning. I am Joe Calabrese, General Manager of RTA.
Before I talk about the primary agenda item today, I want to thank the students at Cleveland State for their overwhelming support. Earlier this year, we asked the student body to renew our Universal Pass, or U-Pass, program. The voter turnout was tremendous. In the end, more than 93 percent voted YES to RTA. Thank you, students. This relationship is a true win-win-win scenario.
RTA is here today to join CSU in making a major announcement as part of this great University’s 50th anniversary.
This is yet another major win-win-win scenario, and frankly, RTA could not have asked for a better partner over the years.
Past partnerships
CSU and RTA have partnered many times:
- In 2003, the first U-Pass program began right here at CSU.
- In 2006, the downtown trolley network began. It now serves this campus 7 days a week.
- In 2008, the HealthLine service began, giving CSU a direct connection to both Tower City and University Circle.
- In 2010, the construction of the Stephanie Tubbs Jones Transit Center, and then in 2013, the addition of Megabus service.
To us, CSU is the perfect partner. Each of these collaborations show how two public entities can work together to benefit not only CSU students, but the Greater Cleveland community.
Introduce Ron Berkman
And now, to tell us more about our newest partnership, is Ronald F. Berkman, President of Cleveland State University.
In the past 5 years, President Berkman has helped CSU become a prominent and innovative force in higher education and urban development.
We’re proud he is our partner. Ron…