About this Project
The Broadway Transit Oriented Development (TOD) Corridor project will create a plan for equitable transit oriented development along the Broadway Avenue Corridor in anticipation of future Bus Rapid Transit. The plan will outline transit-oriented and affordable housing development strategies that will address racial and economic disparities, capture economic value, and advance climate action. It will address bicycle and pedestrian connectivity to transit, and identify opportunities to incorporate green infrastructure. The plan will encourage transit ridership and focus development in an existing urban area as a climate-friendly alternative to urban sprawl.
The BRT-level improvements to be considered include peak-hour and/or dedicated lanes, transit signal priority, stop consolidation, and improved bus waiting stations. The corridor is approximately four (4) miles long, with 40 existing bus stops, beginning at the E. 34th Street Red Line Rapid Transit Station and ending at the Turney/Ella bus loop.
The TOD plan will outline how a transit-oriented vision for the neighborhood can fill job vacancies, support local retail, businesses and industries, and provide new housing, without displacing existing low-income residents. The plan will help existing residents to meet their critical needs and thrive without the need for private vehicle ownership. The project will include the following elements:
- Inclusive community engagement
- Conceptual transportation improvement plan
- Land use and zoning plan
- Market analysis
- Development plan
GCRTA received funding to develop the plan through the Federal Transit Administration’s Pilot Program for Transit-Oriented Development Planning. City Architecture was selected as the consultant for the project.
Progress and Milestones
December 2024Project Awarded
Team and Partners