Board Resolutions

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This search includes all resolutions from 1974 - present.

Resolution Number Title Status
2025-020 Authorizing the Greater Cleveland Regional Transit Authority to enter into a purchase and sale agreement with Flaherty & Collins Development, LLC, for the proposed sale of a 1.35 acre parcel of real property located at 10300 Detroit Avenue, Cleveland, Ohio
2025-019 Authorizing Contract No. 2024-165 with Trapeze Software Group, Inc. to provide “PASS” mobile application licensing and implementation services in an amount not to exceed $170,922.00 (RTA Development Fund, Information Technology Department budget)
2025-018 Authorizing Contract No. 2024-221 with Motorola Solutions, Inc. for Motorola radio equipment and software annual maintenance in amounts not to exceed $114,936.64 for year one, $120,683.44 for year two, and $126,717.61 for year three, for a total contract amount not to exceed $362,337.63 for the three-year period (General Fund, Information Technology Department budget)
2025-017 Authorizing Contract No. 2024-219 with GIRO, Inc. to provide HASTUS software hosting services for a period of one year in an amount not to exceed $213,744.00 (General Fund, Information Technology Department budget)
2025-016 Authorizing an increase to Contract No. 2023-155 with the Great Lakes Construction Co. for Project 52N – Tower City East Portal Rehabilitation in the amount of $98,554.40, for a total contract amount of $16,309,018.12, and reinstating the General Manager, Chief Executive Officer’s change order signing authority in its entirety (RTA Development Fund, Engineering & Project Development Department budget)
2025-015 Authorizing an increase to Contract No. 2023-030 with Suburban Maintenance & Construction, Inc. for Project 62A – Rehabilitation of Track/Platform Bridges over W. 117th Street in the amount of $116,303.23 for a total contract amount of $8,917,566.09 and reinstating the General Manager, Chief Executive Officer’s change order signing authority in its entirety (RTA Development Fund, Engineering & Project Development Department budget)
2025-014 Authorizing Contract No. 2024-212 with Oracle America, Inc. to provide Oracle software licenses, maintenance, and support services for a period of one year in an amount not to exceed $700,586.04 (General Fund, Management Information Services Department budget)
2025-013 Authorizing Contract No. 2024-223 with Masabi, LLC to provide fare collection validators in an amount not to exceed $324,980.00 for 30 car sets and an option to purchase up to 30 additional car sets in an amount not to exceed $239,400.00, for a total contract amount not to exceed $564,380.00 (RTA Development Fund, Information Technology Department budget)
2025-012 Authorizing Contract No. 2024-174 with Westward Sales, Inc. for the purchase of mobile routers in an amount not to exceed $203,940.00 for 60 units and an option to purchase up to 60 additional units at an amount not to exceed $203,940.00, for a total contract amount not to exceed $407,880.00 (RTA Development Fund, Information Technology Department budget)
2025-011 Authorizing Contract No. 2024-203 with American Bus & Accessories, Inc. for the purchase and delivery of 17 paratransit coaches, as specified, for a total contract amount not to exceed $2,553,536.00 (RTA Development Fund, Fleet Management Department budget)
2025-010 Authorizing Contract No. 2024-158 with Mott MacDonald, LLC for Project 20.14 – On-Call Signal Engineering Services - 2024 in an amount not to exceed $450,000.00 for a period of 24 months (RTA Capital and/or Development Funds, Engineering & Project Development Department budget)
2025-009 Authorizing Contract No. 2024-196 with Vehicle Maintenance Program for the furnishing of motorcoach filters, as specified and as required, for a period of two years in an amount not to exceed $124,110.00 (General Fund, Fleet Management Department budget)
2025-008 Authorizing Contract No. 2024-135 with RGT Services LLC dba the Fowler Company for Project No. 60E – East 120th Street Substation Replacement in an amount not to exceed $7,194,208.00 (RTA Development Fund, Engineering & Project Development Department budget)
2025-007 Authorizing Contract No. 2024-159 with KS Associates, Inc. for Project 20.26 – On-Call Surveying Services – Phase 7 in an amount not to exceed $250,000.00 for a period of 36 months (RTA Capital and/or RTA Development Fund, Engineering & Project Development Department budget)
2025-006 Authorizing Contract No. 2024-222 with Trillium Transportation Fuels, LLC dba trillium CNG to provide Triskett CNG operations and maintenance services for a three-year period in an amount not to exceed $1,080,000.00 (General Fund, Triskett District budget)
2025-005 Authorizing Contract No. 2024-143 with Northeast Ohio Trenching Service, Inc. for Project No. 18.82B – Light Rail Shelter Replacement (other amenities) in an amount not to exceed $293,000.00 (RTA Development Fund, Engineering & Project Development Department budget)
2025-004 Authorizing Contract No. 2024-146 with Connectpoint, Inc. for the purchase of electronic signage for Light Rail Shelter Replacement in an amount not to exceed $380,055.00 with an option for the purchase of up to forty-three push-to-talk buttons in an amount not to exceed $97,610.00, for a total contract amount not to exceed $477,665.00 (RTA Development Fund, Programming & Planning Department budget)
2025-003 Authorizing Contract No. 2024-141 with Tolar Manufacturing, Inc. for Light Rail Shelter Replacement in an amount not to exceed $826,750.00 (RTA Development Fund, Programming & Planning Department budget)
2025-002 Authorizing Contract No. 2024-155 with the Great Lakes Construction Co. for Project 19.64 - W. 65th Stairway and Platform Repair in an amount not to exceed $644,172.50 (RTA Development Fund, Engineering & Project Development Department budget)
2025-001 Expressing congratulations to the employees of the Greater Cleveland Regional Transit Authority who retired during the fourth quarter of 2024
2024-110 Approval of the Authority’s 2025 Public Transportation Agency Safety Plan (“PTASP”)
2024-109 First amendment to lease agreement for construction access to the track and platform bridges over West 117th Street in an amount not to exceed $20,000.00 (RTA Development Fund - Engineering & Project Development Department budget)
2024-108 Authorizing the purchase of property insurance from Liberty Mutual and Evanston Insurance Company, through Aon Risk Services Northeast, Inc., for a period of twelve (12) months for a total contract amount not to exceed $1,512,321.00 (General Fund, Risk Management Department budget)
2024-107 Making appropriations for the current expenses and other expenditures for the Greater Cleveland Regional Transit Authority during Fiscal Year 2025
2024-106 Authorizing Contract No. 2024-208 with Motorola Solutions, Inc. for mobile radio communications equipment for railcar owner furnished equipment and services in an amount not to exceed $211,364.40 for the base thirty car sets, and in amounts not to exceed $126,818.64 and $111,527.64 for two options up to an additional eighteen car sets and twelve car sets, respectively, for a total contract amount not to exceed $449,710.68 (RTA Development Fund, Information Technology Department budget)